Everybody Wants to Be a Cat

everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at.
everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat,
'cause everything else is obsolete.
a square with a horn,
makes you wish you weren't born,
everytime he plays.
but with a square in the act,
he can set music back
to the caveman days.
i've heard some corny birds
who tried to sing,
but still a cat's the only cat
who knows how to swing.
who wants to dig
a long-haired gig
rr stuff like that?
when everybody wants to be a cat.
a square with a horn,
makes you wish you weren't born,
everytime he plays.
(oh a rink dinky dinky)
but with a square in the act,
he can set music back
to the caveman days.
(oh a rinky tinky tinky)
everybody wants to be a cat,
because a cat's the only cat
who knows where it's at.
while playin' jazz he always has a welcome mat,
'cause everybody digs a swingin' cat.
everybody, everybody,
everybody wants to be a cat.
(oh hallelujia)
everybody, everybody,
everybody wants to be a cat.
1.A Whole New World
3.Everybody Wants to Be a Cat
4.Beyond the Sea
5.Beauty and the Beast
6.You'll Be in My Heart
7.No Way Out
9.My Funny Friend and Me
10.Colors of the Wind
11.Strangers Like Me
12.Can You Feel the Love Tonight?
13.Kiss the Girl
14.The Bare Necessities
15.Look Through Me Eyes
16.He's a Tramp
17.Little April Shower
18.When I See an Elphant Fly
19.The Time of Your Life
21.He Lives in You
22.Can't Help Falling in Love