Whole squad bathing money with me, call it family first
带上所有队友 沐浴在金银世界
Old mother-lovers trynna kick me outta Sanlitun
But I know all the lingo, I got all the info
全世界鸟语我都懂 全宇宙信息在我掌中
Put a night vision on you can see my ink glows
下笔如有神 戴上夜视镜能看见我的墨水发光
A lightsaber is a lightsaber
An icebreaker can be a lifesaver
In the old days I used to go both ways
年轻时 我曾八面玲珑
When the odds hit, still no hiatus
纵然时运不济 也决不放任自流
Yea, look like all these checks I write now
如今我出手阔绰 一掷千金
24 karat sun god, all iced out
24k黄金太阳神项链吊坠 镶满钻石
All these females want me, but I, want a break
妹妹们甜言蜜语 我都嫌烦
Balling ain’t so easy but I’m Young, like Trae
这样活着也不容易 所幸我年轻得像特雷·杨
She trynna give me a kiss
But I really gotta be rolling
All I miss is a miss
好久没失败过 甚是想念
All I live is the moment
I don’t care about approaches
I just really need a rival
如果你是我势均力敌的对手 求求你快出现
Love their hard-earned diplomas
They just carpool for the title
I don’t really think, they really aware
我不觉得 人们有意识到
I don’t really think, they really aware
我真不觉得 人们有意识到
I don’t really think, they really aware
我知道 人们没有意识到
I don’t really think, they really aware
我很肯定 人们没有意识到
Of me trying, to bring back the pieces
没有意识到 我正将画面的碎片重组
Of me rising, no 88 needed
没有意识到 我作为亚洲人一路攀升 无需助力
High on some ginseng, forget about FIFA
不碰西药 我只信咱东北的人参
Love ain’t exciting, if you really mean it
爱是浮云 动心则输
Yea, what is up with all these dumb ladies
Give them a benefit they just want some mo’
They just want a fake bag for their dumb posts
就知道名牌包 就知道当照骗
But Daddy knows all you do is be a dumb joke
其实都是妖精 躲不过我火眼金睛
Kimberly feeling my pole, I know you’ve been here before
金女士来找我谈生意 老常客了
Sickening stuff in my nose, all of it might be a show
鼻子有点堵 人生如戏
Hennessy sipping alone, rocking with nobody, no
这杯轩尼诗 只敬自己
You know I’ve been through the most, You know I’ve been through
你知道我经历最多 你知道
You know I’ve been through the most
你知道 我经历的起落最多
You know I’ve been through the most
你知道 我经历的恩怨最多
You know I’ve been through the most
你知道 我经历的情仇最多
You know I’ve been through the most
你知道 我经历的浮沉最多
1.Minato Sundown