I'll make your heart spin sorrow into silk
[length: 01:45.430]
I'll stay awake when you can't get to sleep
[tool: 歌词滚动姬 https://lrc-maker.github.io]
I promised myself, if I pushed you away
挚爱 我会将你内心悲伤织成柔软丝绸
I'd turn your sorrow into silk
挚爱 你无法入睡时我会陪伴在你身旁
I'd turn your sorrow
我允诺过自己 如果争执不休将你推开
You make my heart spin sorrow into silk
那么 我会把你所有悲伤织成柔软丝绸
You make me sleep like a young child with warm milk
You make my heart spin sorrow into silk
你总能将我内心翻滚的悲伤 织成柔软的丝绸
You make me sleep like a young child with warm milk
你总让我安心入睡 就像睡前喝热牛奶的孩童
You make my heart spin sorrow into silk
你总能将我内心翻滚的悲伤 织成柔软的丝绸
You make me sleep like a young child with warm milk
你总让我安心入睡 就像睡前喝热牛奶的孩童
You make my heart spin sorrow into silk
你总能将我内心翻滚的悲伤 织成柔软的丝绸
You make me sleep like a young child with warm milk
你总让我安心入睡 就像睡前喝热牛奶的孩童
You make my heart spin sorrow into silk
你总能将我内心翻滚的悲伤 织成柔软的丝绸
You make me sleep like a young child with warm milk
你总让我安心入睡 就像睡前喝热牛奶的孩童
You make my heart spin sorrow into silk
你总能将我内心翻滚的悲伤 织成柔软的丝绸
You make me sleep like a young child with warm milk
你总让我安心入睡 就像睡前喝热牛奶的孩童
1.This Is for You