Happy came to visit me, he bought cookies on the way
快乐到来造访我 他带来些可口的曲奇
I poured him tea and he told me it'll all be okay
我俯身为他倾茶 他轻柔告诉我一切都恰到好处
Well I told him I'd do anything to have him stay with me
我回覆他 只要你陪在我身边 所有事都微不足道
So he laid me down, and I felt happy, come inside of me
以此 他使我躺睡下来 明媚的情感包裹了我 快乐发自内心深处
He laid me down, and I felt happy
他使我躺睡下来 明媚的情感包裹了我
Oh if you're going, take the train
如果你要离我而去 请乘着呼啸的火车离开吧
So I can hear it rumble, one last rumble
这样 我就能听见它轰隆远去的声音 隆隆作响的最后一声
And when you go, take this heart
当你离开 带走这颗破碎的心
I'll make no more use of it when there's no more you
没有你 它就停止了跳动
I was in the bathroom, I didn't hear him leave
那时我在浴室里伴水声垂泪 他离开地无声无息
I locked the door behind him and I turned around to see
我锁上他身后的门 转身背靠着门压抑泪水
All the cookie wrappers and the empty cups of tea
散落的曲奇的包装 空掉了的茶杯
Well I sighed and mumbled to myself again, I have to clean
我叹了口气 对自己低语 一切都是咎由自取 现在是清理的时候了
I sighed and mumbled to myself
我叹了口气 对自己低语
If you're going, take the train
如果你要离我而去 请乘着呼啸的火车离开吧
So I can hear it rumble, one last rumble
这样 我就能听见它轰隆远去的声音 隆隆作响的最后一声
And when you go, take this heart
当你离开 带走这颗破碎的心
I'll make no more use of it when there's no more you
没有你 它就停止了跳动
And if you're going, take the moon
如果你要离我而去 请带走夜里皎洁的月亮吧
Then maybe I will see you, in the night I'll see you
这样也许我就会看见你了 在沉默漆黑的夜里
And when you go, take this heart
当你离开 带走这颗破碎的心
I'll make no more use of it when there's no more you
没有你 它就停止了跳动
1.Your Best American Girl
2.I Bet on Losing Dogs
3.Crack Baby
4.A Loving Feeling
6.Once More to See You
7.Dan the Dancer
9.Thursday Girl
10.My Body's Made of Crushed Little Stars
11.A Burning Hill