Nuol-Finder Freestyle(Aniki / 206music remix)

I don’t put up a front, all the rapper撞破头都想挤进upper echelon(我从不搞门面工程,不像其他说唱歌手撞破头都想挤进上流社会)
Fake shoes, fake jewels, 废物, lyrics like trash but now they wanna fake the crown(假鞋,假珠宝,废物 歌词像垃圾般没内容却还想称王)
小伙子你可以** 合理** 刻意秀出Rolex Fendi Prada Gucci Louis
想让拜金lady tuoguang 飞向你的床
But don’t get me wrong, if you fk around (my team) (但千万别搞错了,如果你对我的团队不敬)
My team司马光 砸烂你的玻璃缸
One-inch punch “Bruce” gonna beat you to the ground(李小龙的寸拳将你入地三尺)
Lightening on my side “Zeus” when I make a sound(雷电左右相伴 张口就能听到 “宙斯” )
Full speed Tom “Cruise” You got nowhere to run(我像全速前进的汤姆克鲁斯 而你无处可逃)
Ask James Blunt, my life is 《beautiful》, got a huge mansion and silver spoon(问问James Blunt,他会告诉你我的生活多姿多彩,住在大别墅含着银汤勺出生)
Answer call of boot y my duty call, stop! Of course not, I just amused yall! (每天约就像是使命召唤……停!这当然都是骗人的,只为博你们一乐)
But I get to choose the life I wanted(虽然生活不总尽人意 至少我还有选择生活方式的权利)
Working hard 更新录音室里的装备
World is dark, but it’s so much better than staying at home, looking for comfort(世界很黑暗 但勇于面对总比宅在家里寻求他人安慰要靠谱得多)
Adam Lambert,ni***s’ been 《trespassing》with bad intentions, no genuine feelings(亚当兰伯特,也曾见过不怀好意毫无真情实感的人想要靠近我)
But fk it, I just keep smiling smiling, cause I need the money tree blossom(但我不在乎他们的意图,只是一直面带微笑 因为我需要金钱的树开花结果)
I don’t just Rock Johnson (不光肌肉像巨石强森)(巨石强森 the rock)
I rock scissor paper(还能把剪刀和布料玩儿出花样)(rock 即指石头 也指驾驭)
A young tailor with young T-ALENT (一个年轻有为的裁缝 能力出众)(tailor谐音Tyler,Tyler the creator在时尚和音乐方面都能力出众)
定要被铭记,没忘记free my man Young B(杨宾,gang ster money fast 创始人但后来入狱)
What he told me, don’t just look at the surface, the ocean always deeper than it seems(他教会我看事情不能只看表面 海洋总比看上去深得多)
Believe what you believe, but without fully understanding the puzzle will not be complete(你可以选择相信想去相信的 但在没有完全了解事情真相之前 拼图是不完整的)
You see Jesus walking on water is cool, but you never know he got cold feet(你看见耶稣能在水上行走觉得很了不起 但却没有看到他冰冷的双脚)
You see Houdini bite the bullet, bullet proof, but never know he got a toothache (你看到大魔术师胡迪尼能用牙齿接** 但不知道他有牙疼)
You see 杨 幂的演技和36 D 让观众忽略她有脚气
You see 麦 迪 a minute就score 13 谁记得他是卡特的表弟
I think all of this gonna prove a point, the only judgement left to the God(我认为以上的一切都证明了一个观点:对一个人的评价只有上帝能决定)
Be nice and friendly I grew up on, but if you test me you know what is up(为人谦和友好是我的家教 但要是招我惹我 你知道结果如何)
My spit is viral, like 切诺贝利 (我的文字病毒式传播 就像爆炸的切诺贝利)
I generate heat, generally, when a ni*** trynna match me, they usually ended up repeating my song in their playlist(我持续发热升温 当有人想跟我切磋技巧 结局通常是他们爱上了我的歌并一直循环播放)
My art explosive, art is poetry, composed of science, human nature and history(我的艺术是爆炸(迪达拉),艺术是诗歌,内容涵盖了科学 人类的本性和历史)
Got truth unfolded like splitting water, should give me the credit of Moses(通过歌词揭露真相就像是劈开海水 你们应当给我摩西的功劳)
I know from day one that I’m the chosen one, the Kobe Bryant, ongoing champ(从开始的一天我就知道我是被选中的 像科比布莱恩特一样不灭的冠军)
Put my city on the map, 24 on my back, 24/7 chase the cheddar never waste my time(为了我爱的城市 将24刻在背上(科比球衣号码) 24小时7天hustle不浪费时间)
(My time) is valuable, Usain Bolt playing with hundreds(我的时间很宝贵就像博尔特的百米冲刺)(hundreds也指百元钞票)
A Full Metal Alchemist building the molecule, micro to macro, from dust to gold(像全合金炼金术师一样构造分子 从微观到宏观 将灰尘变成金块 )
Until industrial, saving the capital (直到成功能被工业化批量生产 再将赚来的资金都积攒起来)
Jumping high vertical, 5.7 Nate Robinson dunk on O’Neal (竖直弹跳 就算身高只有5尺7也能像内特罗宾逊一样暴扣奥尼尔)
Useless ni***s, yall like Steven Hawkins’ t******es, rusty old(没用的弟弟们就请醒醒吧 你们像霍金的高玩一样 都已经生锈了)
Infinite rhymes, God dam n eh(无限押韵)
高度you can’t reach 老子独占着
不如就点燃巴比伦的战 火
中文说唱的骨干 坐怀不乱
I see me wining, Deja vu
想要获得更多筹 码得加 注
Miss the raining, Seattle
踏上泥巴路 当即定下了一个计划
Get out of comfort zone把潜能激发
接到telephone 打开门的密码
面包还有梦 肯定全都拿下
1.Nuol-Finder Freestyle(Aniki / 206music remix)