The Séance -Soulchef /Croosh
Raised in Palm Beach
金棕碧滩壕子弟【Palm Beach,指棕榈滩,美一著名富人区】
A jungle of concrete
Always keep a gat at arms reach
Using my bomb speech
Hoping that all of my songs teach
All the non believers who false preach
Once you clutch money they all leech
得点油水 还给弟兄吸
There's a day where you and your pops breach
金主先溜 好断了关系
Don't burn bridges where you do not speak
该谨言慎行 就别过河拆桥耍脾气
Move with swiftness follow at God Speed
做事讲个利落 速战速决 不留痕迹
They tried to knock me off my axis
下作东西 妄想踢爷出局还装碰瓷
But I mastered my craft over 10 000hours of practice
爷可经千锤百砺 掌握那核心科技
Now I'm point like the needles on a cactus
爷可谓作风犀利 利刺速破臭马屁
Fact is I don't boast how I'm better than most
吹牛能吹个球 爷才懒得找孙子吹大头
I'm just trying to take over the game and all of its coasts
爷这就叫全场最欧 赢得轻松玩得天秀
Feel the warmth like the inside lining of coats
爷套里暖得贼够 姑娘来感受下别害羞
But don't get burnt like fingers clutching a roach
东西太烫手 就别蠢到夹根烟头来出糗
Come correct when you approach and salute when I'm ghost
过来玩还得纠个错 敬个礼等爷魂飘过
It's a s éance that's why the candles lit
要给跳大神的添妖气 蜡烛就得点起
Hear the young vandal spit
小小年纪武德低 愤青爱耍臭嘴皮
Pressure yeah I handled it
对滴 看爷来搞定你内卷压力
My mind's not to ever be tampered with
爷思想方针明晰 贼子小人休得取缔
It's a s éance that's why the candles lit
要给跳大神的添妖气 蜡烛就得点起
Hear the young vandal spit
崽年轻爱愤青 武德低耍嘴皮
Pressure yeah I handled it
对滴 看爷来搞定你内卷压力
My mind's not to ever be tampered with
爷思想方针明晰 贼子小人休得取缔
Deadlines never sweat it
Decisions never regretted
下了决定 就别生后悔气
Codes of life forever embedded
这健康码里 永远存着宁的小秘密
Straight to success is the only place that I've ever been headed
该热线直通成功学带师 为咱理想再接再厉
Through your simple mind get it
顾客脑瓜忒幼稚 捞笔大钱忒容易
Or fall back
All of ya'll please get off my ball sack
别想给爷下套 再整啥仙人跳
I promise I'd call back
Stuck in the 90's I guess that I'm All That
这要搁九十年代 爷可比马男火 众人抢着要 【All That双关,既指“顶流大咖”,也指某九十年代很火而如今已过气的电视节目】
And a bag of chips so now you know that I'm all Phat
还会正经夸 哇塞酷毙了 你该造爷有多diao 【“All that and a bag of chips”,此句为美九十年代一流行语,类似说“酷毙了”,Phat也有此意】
Like the Farm Russell mass produced
罗氏服装厂订单将堵 写好爷大名成批出库 【即Phat Farm(由Russell Simmons于1992年创立),一著名潮牌,其可谓街头嘻哈风格的服饰象征之一】
The hardships I went through weren't self induced
那些个峥嵘岁月曾度 怎能说是爷自找的苦
Deadly poison I'm a brown recluse
谱一支魔曲幻如奇毒 爷一代棕师经纶满腹 【brown recluse指隐居褐蛛,一种毒性极强的蜘蛛,此喻歌曲迷幻特色,点题“招魂通灵”之一内涵】
Don't be clueless of the situation
劝你认清形势 别乱愚昧
Product of my environment and how I'm situated
环境造人 自个要定好位
Please peep what I'm saying with no hesitation
听好爷这话 别带忸怩味
The premise I'm vacating now do what I do like an imitation
你先仿个样 爷才有空陪
What I'm insinuating let's get it popping like grease from bacon
咱就热火朝天 大淦一会
It's a s éance that's why the candles lit
要给跳大神的添妖气 蜡烛就得点起
Hear the young vandal spit
小小年纪武德低 愤青爱耍臭嘴皮
Pressure yeah I handled it
对滴 看爷来搞定你内卷压力
My mind's not to ever be tampered with
爷思想方针明晰 贼子小人休得取缔
It's a s éance that's why the candles lit
要给跳大神的添妖气 蜡烛就得点起
Hear the young vandal spit
崽年轻爱愤青 武德低耍嘴皮
Pressure yeah I handled it
对滴 看爷来搞定你内卷压力
My mind's not to ever be tampered with
爷思想方针明晰 贼子小人休得取缔