Such a sick sight -
brainwashed millions
Minions following their leader,
eating up his propaganda,
terrified of not having an answer
In a world where people are so blind
these greedy *******s control their minds
Inbreeding ideals for the weak
I won't follow blindly
Your faith won't bring you *******t
The cold reality is that we are born to die
No one has the ******* answers past this life
All the lies that you hold so sacred to be truth
Are nothing more than a plot to control you
Religion enslaves the minds
of those too weak to think for themselves,
sedated with their god
The price that you pay is
the life that you wasted
living up to their standards
Blatant hypocrisy
Your answer for tragedy
Your life is a mockery
If you are too scared to think
of living a bull*******t-free
life of non-conformity
Bow to the deity
Gods are man's worst creation
2.Never Ending War
3.So Far Too Long...
4.Laid To Rest
5.The Spreading Disease
6.Our Own Grave
7.Herding The Brainwashed
8.Sever The Memory