Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Magnificat-Antiphon, "Videntes stellam Magi" (Gregorian)

1.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Prolog, Lectio Isaiae Prophetae (60, 1-6)
2.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Magnificat-Antiphon, "Tribus miraculis" (Gregorian)
3.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Transitorium, "Hodie caelesti sponso" (Ambrosian)
4.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Hymnus, "Hostis Herodes impie" (Gregorian)
5.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Antiphon, "Hodie nobis Beata illuxit" (Gregorian)
6.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Responsorium prolixum, "Illuminare Ierusalem" (Gregorian)
7.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Antiphon with Psalm 71, "Stella ista" (v.10-13, 18f)
8.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Introitus, "Ecce advenit" (Gregorian)
9.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Ingressa, "Civitas non eget sole" (Ambrosian)
10.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Gloria im tonus festivus, "Gloria" (Ambrosian)
11.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Graduale, "Omnes de Saba venient" (Gregorian)
12.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Alleluia, "Vidimus stellam eius" (Gregorian)
13.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Hallelujah, "Puer natus est nobis" (Ambrosian)
14.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Symbolum, "Credimus in unum Deum" (Ambrosian)
15.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Offertorium including Verses from Codex Einsiedeln 121, "Reges Tharsis" (Gregorian)
16.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Communio with Psalm 71 (V.1-3, 7), "Vidimus stellam eius"
17.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Responsorium breve, "Omnes de Saba venient" (Gregorian)
18.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Magnificat-Antiphon, "Videntes stellam Magi" (Gregorian)
19.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Psallenda, "Videntes stellam Magi" (Ambrosian)
20.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Psallenda, "Apparuit in mundo" (Ambrosian)
21.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Antiphon, "O qualem gloriam" (Gregorian)
22.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Magnificat-Antiphon, "Admoniti Magi" (Gregorian)
23.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Responsorium, "Tria sunt munera" (Gregorian)
24.Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi:Transitorium, "Te laudamus Domine omnipotens" (Ambrosian)
25.Rosary:Alma Redemptoris Mater (Antiphona Simplex, Gregorian)
26.Rosary, Introduction:Alma Redemptoris Mater (Antiphona Solemnis, Gregorian)
27.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries - I. Offertorium "Ave Maria, gratia plena"
28.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries, 2. Organ-Improvisation 1
29.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries, 3. Communio, "Beatam me dicent" (Gregorian)
30.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries, 4. Organ-Improvisation 2
31.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries, 5. Communio, "In splendoribus sanctorum" (Gregorian)
32.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries, 6. Organ-Improvisation 3
33.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries, 7. Antiphona, "Lumen ad revelationem gentium" (Gregorian)
34.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries, 8. Organ-Improvisation 4
35.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries, 9. Communio, "Fili, quid fecisti nobis sic?" (Gregorian)
36.Rosary, Pt. 1:Joyful Mysteries, 10. Organ-Improvisation 5
37.Rosary, Transition 1:Ave Regina caelorum (Antiphona Simplex, Gregorian)
38.Rosary, Transition 1:Ave Regina caelorum (Antiphona Solemnis, Gregorian)
39.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 1. Communio, "Pater, si non potest hic calix transire" (Gregorian)
40.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 3. Improperium, "Popule meus, quid fecisti tibi?" (Gregorian)
41.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 5. Improperium, "Ego propter te" (Gregorian)
42.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 7. Hymnus, "Crux fidelis" (Gregorian)
43.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 9. Graduale, "Christus factus est pro nobis" (Gregorian)
44.Rosary, Transition 2:Regina, caeli laetare (Antiphona Simplex, Gregorian)
45.Rosary, Transition 2:Regina, caeli laetare (Antiphona Solemnis, Gregorian)
46.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 1. Introitus, "Resurrexi" (Gregorian)
47.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 3. Offertorium, "Ascendit Deus" (Gregorian)
48.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 5. Communio, "Factus est repente" (Gregorian)
49.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 7. Offertorium, "Assumpta est Maria" (Gregorian)
50.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 9. Introitus, "Signum magnum apparuit" (Gregorian)
51.Rosary, Transition 3:Salve Regina (Antiphona Simplex, Gregorian)
52.Rosary, Transition 3:Salve Regina (Antiphona Solemnis, Gregorian)
53.Rosary, Conclusion:Solis, o Virgo (Hymnus, Gregorian)
54.Rosary, Conclusion:Ave nobilis (Carmen Buranum, Gregorian)
55.Rosary, Conclusion:Sicut pratum picturatur (Sequentia, Gregorian)
56.Rosary, Conclusion:Hodiernae Lux Diei (Sequentia, Gregorian)
57.Rosary, Conclusion:Ave Maria (Antiphona, Gregorian)
58.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 4. Organ-Improvisation 2
59.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 4. Organ-Improvisation 2
60.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 2. Organ-Improvisation 1
61.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 8. Organ-Improvisation 4
62.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 6. Organ-Improvisation 3
63.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 2. Organ-Improvisation 1
64.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 8. Organ-Improvisation 4
65.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 10. Organ-Improvisation 5
66.Rosary, Pt. 3:Sorrowful Mysteries, 10. Organ-Improvisation 5
67.Rosary, Pt. 4:Glorious Mysteries, 6. Organ-Improvisation 3