Gracie, we're makin babies, yea, we're barefoot on the tiles / we make 'emsoft and small and tender, it's the biggest hazard of your gender, gottahold it by yourself /
Gracie, hold yourself together, it's bad now but itgets better, we're all here to help / everything is swollen, everything isswell... everybody's watching, they all wanna see it kick - pleasure isyour crime, junior is your punishment, happens all the time, everybody rubit in.
It ain't hard to find fault in any thing you do, we learned to lovethe hard way, you're gonna learn it too. - etc.
2.Good Luck in Jail
3.Spikes to You
4.Step on Chameleon
5.Atom Jack
6.If It Kills You
7.Turn It Off
8.Future Home of Stucco Monstrosity
9.O Pencil Sharp