A scarlet sunsetthe threshold to nightplay
A sinful oath is to be sworn
A beckoning bloodlustamong the seekers
Tyrranic hunger yearns
A gathering in flames and fires-
Devil's daughters dance
Scourged in filth, obscene and lewd-
Longing for dark desires
The nocturnal beast appearsin an evil despotic shape
Expectant watching gracelesslybefore demanding the sluts of lust(the Beast)"Come forth harlots, let's begin!"(the Beast approaches: )"Rise and give praise in front of Meand receive eternal life from Me!Welcome my spirit in jonour of Me!So drink of the blood I provide youand you shall all forever wander in the shadows of death...!(the chanting whores: )"
Oh yes, Master!
Let us receive
Thine offer and drink with
Thee!And become a part of
Thy realmwith lust, *** and sodomy-for we are those who seek life eternally...!(the Beast: )"Blood is life and it shall be all ours!"
1.The Night Masquerade
2.Mourning Palace
3.A Succubus In Rapture
4.Prudence's Fall
5.Relinguishment Of Spirit And Flesh
6.Spellbound (By The Devil)
7.Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde
9.Tormentor Of Christian Souls
10.Master Of Disharmony
11.In Death's Embrace