I bet it hurts to read permanence
我奢求 读懂“永远”是一件痛苦的事
I used to think on all of this and how you don't
我曾无数次回忆着这一切 可你已忘得一干二净
Damn it's hard to find sustenance
该死 寻求生计是如此艰难
When all I had was love for this and now you don't
当我唯一拥有的只是对这一切的热爱时 你已经对此不痛不痒
Now I just abuse substances to drown out your accomplishments,
However few
然而 一点儿用也没有
All of this frustrates me bad
Cause I can't stay mad at you or change anything that I had
因为 我根本无法一直生你的气 亦或是使现在的处境变好哪怕一丝一毫
She told me don't think like that, it's really not that bad
她告诉我 别这样想 事情没那么糟
I hope this makes you sad
I hope this makes you sad:(
If it's something serious then hit me up but until then the door is shut
如果这些真的非常重要 请你逼着我振作起来吧 可如今我已经失去了所有机会
Forget my room
And if I had a match for every lie and every attempt to deny
若我我必须为我的每一个谎言负责 必须亲自否定我的每一次尝试
I'd strike a few
I am the walls, the silent halls.
我就是一面灰墙 一座空房
My jacket at your sisters wedding, navy blue
我穿着藏青色的外套参加你姐妹们的婚礼 看起来忧郁极了
All of this frustrates me bad
Cause I can't stay mad at you or change anything that I had
因为 我根本无法一直生你的气 亦或是使现在的处境变好哪怕一丝一毫
She told me don't think like that, it's really not that bad
她告诉我 别这样想 事情没那么糟
I hope this makes you sad
I hope this makes you sad:(
1.Navy Blue
2.Waiting in Vain
3.The Glass
4.All Wrong
5.Bad Luck