Fake chigga I dont need em Im not that ching chang
(假朋友我不需要 我也不是ching chang兄弟)
Fake shoes I dont buy it to playing ping-pang
Everything all fake pus sit your hass down
(你快坐下吧 你全身都是假的)
Fake cigar I dont smoke it and you are funk wrong
Fake chigga I dont need em Im not that ching chang
(假朋友我不需要 我也不是ching chang兄弟)
Fake shoes I dont buy it to playing ping-pang
Everything all fake pus sit your hass down
(你快坐下吧 你全身都是假的)
Fake cigar I dont smoke it and you are funk wrong
克利亚毒针在刺入 抛开了房间的迷雾
黑色的乌云在密布 沿途的风景让我选择了闭目
想要上帝都会give me
都跟上 跟我一起follow me
Loorman Loorman 加上soldier汉
写起歌来像中国队在打乒 乓 球
出门随身携带好摄 像 头
喜欢钻研只为了争 上 游
这小野格让我是真 上 头
准 备 好 和我一起拼拼火
Drink Drink是我的开心果
开 坦 克 只为让你出车祸
Fake chigga I dont need em Im not that ching chang
(假朋友我不需要 我也不是ching chang兄弟)
Fake shoes I dont buy it to playing ping-pang
Everything all fake pus sit your hass down
(你快坐下吧 你全身都是假的)
Fake cigar I dont smoke it and you are funk wrong
Fake chigga I dont need em Im not that ching chang
(假朋友我不需要 我也不是ching chang兄弟)
Fake shoes I dont buy it to playing ping-pang
Everything all fake pus sit your hass down
(你快坐下吧 你全身都是假的)
Fake cigar I dont smoke it and you are funk wrong
b7 I lie to you but dont you lie to me
(B7 我骗了你但是你不要骗我)
everything all fake you know I got everything all lit
(全是假的 你知道在我这儿全都是吊的)
cockrack yeah Im cockroack you ain got shit on me
(别来招惹我 我可是打不死的小强)
chopper raining ,I got old Glock when I was a kid
Bad biqi you so sweet I ’ll make your pus wet
(坏女孩你太甜了 我要让你流点东西)
Call dat Loorman make me high baby you leave me memories
(叫我的名字让我兴奋一下 你留给我了美好记忆)
by the way if you angry you look like concrete
(顺便说一下 如果你生气了 像混凝土那样硬)
any beat you wanna free you load that chopper on her face
got your bad girl in the big safe zone
you see one two three thats all my bad boo
come and hit me twic i’m feelin really nothing wrong you only got me excited
to hit your hot girl and make her hit her knee Im not gonna now everbody
aroung you thats my real dowg
young fellas put up in camaro
young fellas put up in camaro ( Skr skr)
I dont give a shi about dat suck popo
Gang gang 从不扎领带
soldier loorman never beat your brain
Trap hot shi will blow yall main
Fake chigga I dont need em Im not that ching chang
(假朋友我不需要 我也不是ching chang兄弟)
Fake shoes I dont buy it to playing ping-pang
Everything all fake pus sit your hass down
(你快坐下吧 你全身都是假的)
Fake cigar I dont smoke it and you are funk wrong
1.Fake Chigga