liberty -A Night To Remember
Make it a night to remember
永恒的一夜 永恒的记忆
When you love someone it's natural not demanding
爱上一个人 眼中便会浮现西施的模样
And that's one thing I'm proud to say I've found in you
渭桥上你在看风景 而我在看你
I'm so glad we reached an understanding
风把我的心弦牵动起来 就快要和你共鸣
Now I know my heart is safe with you hoo ooh
希望你明白 我的心永远于你怀中停泊
So my love to you baby I surrender
所以你是天下无双 是我坚定的唯一
Get ready tonight
不必踟蹰 请随我来
Gonna make this a night to remember
菱叶萦波荷飐风 荷花深处小舟通
Get ready oh baby tonight
郁金琥珀 都献给你
Gonna make this a night to remember
逢郎欲语低头笑 碧玉搔头落水中
Celebrations in my heart cos we're united
还有什么能把我两分开 除了天地崩塌
And there's nothing in this world that
借问江潮与海水 何似君情与妾心
Come between me and you
相恨不如潮有信 相思始觉海非深
We're together and it keeps me so excited
To think of what the power of love can do ooh
舞池中 我们的默契已经无人可以匹敌
And I'm filled with a love that's oh so tender
琴瑟在御 莫不静好
Get ready baby tonight girl
不必踟蹰 请随我来 女孩
I'm gonna make this a night to remember
邂逅相遇 适我愿兮
Get ready
郁金琥珀 都献给你
Get ready tonight
今晚 请在爱的海洋里掀起惊涛骇浪
I'm gonna make this a night to remember
邂逅相遇 与子偕臧
Make this a night to remember
今晚 聚光灯会在我们身上愈发耀眼
Get ready tonight
不必踟蹰 请随我来
Gonna make this a night to remember
值得纪念的一晚 刻在DNA的一夜
Get ready
郁金琥珀 都献给你
Get ready tonight
Gonna make this a night to remember
骊宫高处入青云 仙乐风飘处处闻
Let's make a toast to those who helped make this occasion
隔座送钩春酒暖 分曹射覆蜡灯红
They turn their back on love
他们的爱情在哪 哪像我们啊
But that's what drove you straight to me
所以 你一定是我灵魂的归宿
Now to you I make a lasting dedication
共伊长远 请让我与你长游
I'll show you all that love and life can be ooh
在伊甸园里过家家 或者在世俗里一席二茶
And each day that I live I will deliver
柔情似水 佳期如梦
Get ready
不必踟蹰 请随我来
This night you won't forget
Gonna make this a night to remember
Get ready
含辞未吐 气若幽兰
Cause your love I won't regret
华容婀娜 令我忘餐
Gonna make this a night to remember
Get ready Baby tonight darlin'
Gonna make this a night to remember
Get ready
不必踟蹰 下一刻会变作永恒