The battle of men is with me in the end
It's always the same
I wouldn't be the first
The evident law is bottled up and thrown
The courage is mine
It's hidden in the source
Calamity's end is with me all the same
They're always to blame
If I wouldn't be the first
The memory feeds with me all the time
It bleeds when I think
The leaders know the course
If negotiation had a choice
Would it give you a voice
To decide which way to hide
But my friends' enemies
Lined up in front of me
Could have got the best
Put me to the test
Again I'm bound to Bonaparte
My enemy's friend is with me in the end
I'm always to blame
But I wouldn't be the first
The evident law is with me all the time
It bleeds when I think
It shouldn't be a curse
2.Five Fingered Leaf
3.Enemy's Friend
5.Be Let Down
8.1 Is 2