what’s your secret for living long
doing alright never felt so wrong
将一切安理 避免错失
I lose my mind under the glow of a temporary fade
这若隐若硝的寐光 令我茫然
validate my fervency
我这般热情 可否得应
to be so bound never looked so free
我久遭束缚 从未顺心自在
allopathic remedies for now
两扇门皆紧闭 那不曾外露的奇想纠引着我 却终消逝
two doors down from a deafening sound I didn’t need it til I knew it was gone
此时 我欲丧狂
now I move along in distraction
tolerate my distance, dear
朝我耳旁 轻轻道语
touch your tongue to my ringing ear
复言我的惊叹 将此火花传递
iterate my scream we can share a reaction
到了深夜你大可睹见 我心存炽火
mine is a light you can see all night
此之不绝 难寻尽头 但前途光明
all the dogs are down
别放松警惕 到你身心崩溃时你会恍惚大悟的
rearranging endlessly I saw oblivion at capacity
你几将分崩离析 但所得渺茫
we should go sometime
elevate my urgency when it all breaks down you’re a lot like me
separate your skin just to feel it a fraction
但你 是我毕生所求
别轻失梦望 一定要大胆一点
my light is a light you can see all night
有时 我飘忽若失
was I born to be living this way (is she listening)
your light is a light I need alright
iterate your dream for me how it goes sometimes
I’m a ghost sometimes