Boi, I wanna make you feel the same way that you feel when we're together
我想与你延续旧情 回到你我相恋的日子
Boi, I wanna take you by the collar, warm my nose up in this weather
我想扯着你的衣口遍地跑 在酷冷的天气里做彼此的温暖窝
Boi, I wanna press my hand against your bathroom mirror
Boi, I wanna watch you write each number and each letter
我想看你写下每句话 每个字母每个数字
Boi, I wanna shout your name so everyone can hear it
我想大声呼喊你的名字 让大家都听到
Boi, I hear you whispering, "it's right," while you're asleep
我听见你说“这才对” 但你已入睡 在我梦中