The year is 1991
Birds and people are living together in seemingly perfect harmony
Until one day a young man catches fire
直到一天 一个年轻的人类引火上身
This is "Phoenix"
You - you've been knocked down and got up again
你不断被击倒 又一次次地站起来
In the corner, you're surrounded, no defenders
在转角处 你被包围 没有人能将你保护
Woah, you - you've hid your fury and kept it in
But it's time now you ignite and turn to embers
但现在 是时候点亮自己 将自己烧为余烬
Like a phoenix you burst into fire
就如同不死鸟 你投身火焰的怀抱
Burn, a thirst and desire
燃烧 饥渴的欲望
You transform, light up in a flash
你完成了蜕变 激起雷电阵阵
You spread your wings and rise from the ashes
你展开双翼 从灰烬中重生
Phoenix you burst into fire
不死鸟 你投身火焰的怀抱
Burn, a thirst and desire
燃烧 饥渴的欲望
You transform, light up in a flash
你完成了蜕变 激起雷电阵阵
You spread your wings and rise from the ashes
你展开双翼 从灰烬中重生
They gеt you down, but you get up
他们将你击倒 但你站了起来
They let you drown, but you don't stop
他们让你消沉 但你从不停下
You show them you're a phoenix
告诉他们 你是不死鸟
You - you've seen the truth behind the veil
And you know that they're just looking for attention
你明白 他们不过是在吸引你的注意
Woah - you, don't let their ruthlessness prevail
你 别让他们的蛮横无理占据上风
Oh, it's time now, light your fire for ascension
是时候了 点燃你的火焰 一飞冲天
Like a phoenix you burst into fire
就像不死鸟 你投身火焰的怀抱
Burn, a thirst and desire
燃烧 饥渴的欲望
You transform, light up in a flash
你完成了蜕变 激起雷电阵阵
You spread your wings and rise from the ashes
你展开双翼 从灰烬中重生
Phoenix you burst into fire
不死鸟 你投身火焰的怀抱
Burn, a thirst and desire
燃烧 饥渴的欲望
You transform, light up in a flash
你完成了蜕变 激起雷电阵阵
You spread your wings and rise from the ashes
你展开双翼 从灰烬中重生
They get you down, but you get up
他们将你击倒 但你站了起来
They let you drown, but you don't stop
他们让你消沉 但你从不停下
You show them you're a phoenix
告诉他们 你是不死鸟
Phoenix - you burst into fire
不死鸟 你投身火焰的怀抱
Burn, a thirst and desire
燃烧 饥渴的欲望
You transform, light up in a flash
你完成了蜕变 激起雷电阵阵
You spread your wings and rise from the ashes
你展开双翼 从灰烬中重生
Phoenix you burst into fire
不死鸟 你投身火焰的怀抱
Burn, a thirst and desire
燃烧 饥渴的欲望
You transform, light up in a flash
你完成了蜕变 激起雷电阵阵
You spread your wings and rise from the ashes
你展开双翼 从灰烬中重生