LL Cool J Don't Need No Title (feat. Mndbd)

1.Natalie Portman Goes on Safari (feat. Slr)
2.Jennifer Aniston Finishes a Long Bath (feat. Uhhnon)
3.LL Cool J Don't Need No Title (feat. Mndbd)
4.Elliot Page Ties Himself to a Redwood (feat. Bilo 503)
5.Nic Cage Takes Control of the Situation
6.Tom Cruise Eats a Continental Breakfast
7.Leo Dicaprio Rides Off into the Sunset
8.Winona Ryder Finishes Community Service
9.Shia Lebouef Enjoys a Morning Bowl of Wheaties (feat. Borealism)
10.Eddie Murphy Drives to Burger King
11.Keanu Reeves Just Does His Thaang (feat. Mt Marcy)
12.Liv Tyler Will Still Watch All the Credits
13.Morgan Freeman Is Most Likely Omnipotent
14.David Duchovny Hides in a Broom Closet
15.Justin Long Tries to Access His Voicemail (feat. Dweeb)
16.Elijah Wood Doesn't Put Vinyl Back in the Sleeve (feat. Mactopus)
17.Drew Barrymore Watches Saturday Morning Cartoons (feat. Ojmacoj)
18.Julia Roberts Damages Her Floorboards