A Visit to Newport Hospital

There used to be a time when we lived in the van
We used to roam about with Janice, Liz and Ann
Now looking back it seemed to be a happy time
And so we kid ourselves we didn't really mind
The hang-ups and the lack of bread
There were four of us then, the group was Uriel
We played five nights a week at Ryde Castle Hotel
We spent our time avoiding skinheads and the law
It was a freedom that we'd never felt before
And now we're doing this instead
It was a way of life that was completely new
And so we found that we had quite a lot to do
The time passed slowly and each day was much the same
We ate and loved and slept and no-one was to blame
For saying things better left unsaid
1.Long Piece No. 3 | 2 Part Two
2.Long Piece No. 3 | 1 Part One
3.A Visit to Newport Hospital
5.Boilk [Incl. J. S. Bach - "Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt"]