I hid myself from failure and fear.
我避过失败 掩住恐惧
Oh my dear you're a threat to the bad in us all.
宝贝 你是所有不好事物的克星
They tell themselves that each word from your lips.
Or the grace in your eyes overcomes any fall.
有你柔情的注视 我就不会跌落
Over the twilight you're listening for me.
穿过暮色深处 你也依旧在倾听我的声音
Darling, go to sleep.
宝贝 睡吧
Cradled by moonlight, I'm dreaming we'll be.
在月光的怀抱 我做着梦
Loved so deep.
Floating and fighting, like a kite on a string.
漂泊抗争 像栓在线上的风筝
Till you cut through my tether and changed everything.
直到你断了我的线 全世界都改变
From the sky you looked small, but I loved you the same.
俯瞰着你才觉得你小小一个 但我依旧爱你
So I darted back quickly to spell out your name.
于是我念着你的名字 飞速折返到你身边
And when they say that I'm just a terrible kite.
You'll tell them you're proud of my loveless flight.
你告诉他们 你为我内心无爱时的飞行感到骄傲
Don't hide yourself inside till I'm old.
Oh my dear you're a threat to the bad we all see.
宝贝 你是所有不好事物的克星
I'm beside myself for the touch of your lips.
碰到你的嘴唇 让我喜出望外
Or the grace of your eyes that can see good in me.
你满含柔情的双眼 能看到我好的一面
Over the twilight you're listening for me.
穿过暮色深处 你也依旧在倾听我的声音
Darling, go to sleep.
宝贝 睡吧
Cradled by moonlight, I'm dreaming we'll be.
在月光的怀抱 我做着梦
Loved so deep.
Floating and fighting, like a kite on a string.
漂泊抗争 像栓在线上的风筝
Till you cut through my tether and changed everything.
直到你断了我的线 全世界都改
From the sky you looked small, but I loved you the same.
俯瞰着你才觉得你小小一个 但我依旧爱你
So I darted back quickly to spell out your name.
于是我念着你的名字 飞速折返到你身边
And when they say that I'm just a terrible kite.
You'll tell them you're proud of my loveless flight.
你告诉他们 你为我内心无爱时的飞行感到骄傲
2.Pin Your Wings
3.You Have My Attention
4.Choose the One Who Loves You More
5.Hold Nothing Back
6.You Love to Sing
8.No One Really Wins
9.Love is a Fast Song
10.Don't Slow Down