Kaleidoscope (Interlude) (prod. by WxnderBxy)

Smoke and mirrors, deception
如雾里看花般, 这世间诡计多端
I'm losing light while my eyes bleed
视线模糊 被这血渍层层遮蔽
I've overused my weapon
适得其反 过度使用这项技能
This road i choose is my preference
这条道路 是自己义无反顾的抉择
Now all that's left is my brethren
如今沧桑殊途 仅剩下我的弟兄们
I'll take the blame, I'll bear the pain
我将承担所有过错, 吞噬所有恶果
Of sacrificin my parents!
My heart is cold, my story told
我的心冰冷如石, 故事流传, 人尽皆知
I passed down my vision
我传递了 我所见所闻
Now through my eyes, you'll realize
透过我双眼, 你将明白
My reasons why I left it
我为何坚持 将其留存
All the hurt inside, I kept it
将内心深处的伤痕, 永远隐藏
Da betrayl and lies, dealt with
背叛与欺骗, 独自承受
I'm goin blind, I'd rather die
若视线模糊, 宁可自掘坟墓
Then let the truth, be threatened
随之将这真相 永远封存
I apologize, i wasted time
抱歉, 我蹉跎了岁月
These excuses, I must rest with
唯有这些说辞, 才能让我
Forever judged, for my methods
带着万夫所指的罪过, 与世长辞
But will they all get the message?
但他们能否 接收到这讯息?
Feel the pain behind these eyes
感受这 隐藏在眼眸后的痛苦
As the blood runs down both sides
伴随鲜血 从脸颊流过
I'm losing all my light
No longer a kaleidoscope
I feel the pain behind these eyes
我感受到 这深藏在眼眸后的痛苦
As the blood runs down both sides
伴随鲜血 从脸颊流过
I'm losing all my light
No longer a kaleidoscope
I feel the pain behind these eyes
我感受到 这深藏在眼眸后的痛苦
As the blood runs down both sides
伴随鲜血 从脸颊流过
I'm losing all my light
No longer a kaleidoscope
I feel the pain behind these eyes
我感受到 这深藏在眼眸后的痛苦
As the blood runs down both sides
伴随鲜血 从脸颊流过
I'm losing all my light
No longer a kaleidoscope
1.Kaleidoscope (Interlude) (prod. by WxnderBxy)