Promises, just promises
那些承诺 就只是信口诺言
Again with excuses and generally wastin' my time
又一次找理由开脱 其实就是浪费我时间
Not findin' solutions, just seekin' my peace of mind
不为寻找解决方法 只想追求内心的平静
No hocus or pocus, my focus is drunk on the floor
不哄不骗你 我一心只想醉倒在地
And mumbling something about, "one more!"
嘴里咕哝着 再来一次!
I'm fallin' across the line
Keep punchin' pedals at the amber lights
And I cross my heart and hope to die
我发誓 我情愿去死
Unless I happen to lie, I
Promises, just promises
那些承诺 就只是信口诺言
Just promises
Oh, one more night, I said it the last time
又一晚 我最后又说了一次
This is the last time, I'll say it a million more
但这是最后一次 我偏偏还要再说千千万万次
Never meant to my break my own promises
Break my own promises
I said I was tryin', I really was drivin' the coast
我说我在努力 我确实正沿着海岸开着车
The fight or the flight, well, I side with the latter most
直面还是逃走 好吧 我比较倾向于后者
It almost is laughable, but when I chuckle, I choke
这实在是太可笑 可我却乐极生悲
Can't get the words out my throat, oh, one more
我再也无法口出狂言 一个字都不能
Is that my lion's pride?
I meet my mountain then I run and hide
我遇见了高山阻碍 我跑走躲起来
And I cross my heart and hope to die
我发誓 我情愿去死
Unless I happen to lie, I
Promises, just promises
那些承诺 就只是信口诺言
Just promises
Oh, one more night, I said it the last time
又一晚 我最后又说了一次
This is the last time, I'll say it a million more
但这是最后一次 我偏偏还要再说千千万万次
Never meant to my break my own promises
Break my own promises
1.Promises (TWRK Remix)