Behind those innocent eyes, underneath that smile
在那双纯真的眼眸后 在那温和的微笑下
Do you tell the truth? Is it one big lie?
I wish you well, but I cannot tell
我祝福你 但我无法诉说
Well, who are you when no one is around?
好吧 当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
And you paint your face, and you change your hand
你会改换表情 转换手势
Tell me what happened to you such a long time ago
And all your friends, well they have no clue
你的所有朋友 他们毫无线索
Who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
Who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
Who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
No one in this world could bring you down
Who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
Couldn’t love anyone else, ‘til you get over yourself
除非跨过自己 否则不能爱上任何人
You’re burning every bridge, you’re taking more than you give
你断了一切退路 你得大于给
You wear your mask, can’t forget the past
你戴上假面 难释往事
Well, who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
Who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
Who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
No one in this world could bring you down
From wherever you are, oh let every man see
Exactly you are, you won’t fail to believe
那真实的你 你将难以置信
Let them eat you up and spit you out
让他们将你卷及其中 了解彻底
If they could see you from the inside out
如果他们可以从里至外 看透你的面目
Who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
Who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
No one in this world could bring you down
Who are you when no one is around?
当四下无人 你又是何种模样?
1.The Fold
2.Be Your Man
3.Running for Cover
4.On My Way
5.Don't Wanna Die Anymore
6.God or Man
7.All the Times We Had
8.Who Are You
10.Easy to Love
11.Fathers Be Kind