walking down the street without you walking by myself
沿街散步 身旁却再无你的身影
Playing on the radio playing on my radio and I
I can’t stop thinking about you
I just thought something about you
Cause you’re my sun my moon and the stars
只因你是我的晴空烈日 皎皎明月与闪闪繁星
My one my heart and the universe the one that I love(the wonder I love)
你是我的心之所向 无际宇宙与唯一挚爱 (唯一挚爱)
Sleeping all alone my bed is cold and the wind then was gone
孤枕而眠 床榻冰凉 无风也无你
I don’t know if I would ever feel the same (never feel the same)
我不知以后是否会有同样的感觉 (不再一样)
Waking up around at two makes me wonder why you left
And I realize I don’t need no one else(no one else)
我也意识到除了你我不需要他人的陪伴 (无需他人)
Cause you’re my sun my moon and the stars
只因你是我的晴空烈日 皎皎明月与闪闪繁星
My one my heart and the universe the one that I love(one that I love)
你是我的心之所向 无际宇宙与唯一挚爱 (唯一挚爱)
1.Something About You