制作人 : John Feldmann/No Love For The Middle Child/dwilly
她很自我 你拿个望远镜就能看清楚
She got a big ego, you could see it on a telescope
我也一样 所有我们总是翻来覆去地争吵
I'm the same way, it's why we always argue back and forth
我发誓她是我的毒药 同时也是我的解药
I swear she my poison, at the same time my antidote
她是缠绕我脖颈的绳子 我找不到比这更好的绳子
She the noose around my neck, I couldn't ask for a better rope, ayy
你就像颗定时炸弹 滴答滴答响
You're like a timebomb ticking away
还有三十秒 你就会在我面前爆炸
Thirty seconds 'til you blow up right in my face
I can't find one good reason to stay
那你离开我的时候 我有为什么会万般不愿
So why do I hate when you're walking away?
You got me paralyzed
来吧 宝贝 取走我的性命
Go ahead, baby, take my life
因为要是没有你 我就不想再活下去
'Cause I don't wanna live if I'm living without you
自杀式的爱情 如果你别无他法 那就把我带走
Suicide love, take me out if you have to
You got me paralyzed
她是个守财奴 而我的钱包里只有一点零钱
She a dime keeper and my pocket like some loose change
Just swervin' on the 101 back to your place
一次错误的选择 幻想能有一场大逃亡
One wrong turn, fantasize 'bout the great escape
双手脱离方向盘 闭上眼睛 让我沉思片刻
Hands off the wheel, close my eyes, let me meditate
你就像颗定时炸弹 滴答滴答响
You're like a timebomb ticking away
还有三十秒 你就会在我面前爆炸
Thirty seconds 'til you blow up right in my face
I can't find one good reason to stay
]那你离开我的时候 我有为什么会万般不愿
So why do I hate when you're walking away?
You got me paralyzed
来吧 宝贝 取走我的性命
Go ahead, baby, take my life
因为要是没有你 我就不想再活下去
'Cause I don't wanna live if I'm living without you
自杀式的爱情 如果你别无他法 那就把我带走
Suicide love, take me out if you have to
You got me paralyzed
You left your cocaine on my nightstand
Your favorite necklace is my right hand
Yet you were never apart of the plan
And it was over before it began
你让我无力反抗 我已无力反抗
You got me paralyzed (I'm paralyzed)
来吧 宝贝 取走我的性命(来取走我的性命)
Go ahead, baby, take my life (Just take my life)
因为要是没有你 我就不想再活下去
'Cause I don't wanna live if I'm living without you
自杀式的爱情 如果你别无他法 那就把我带走
Suicide love, take me out if you have to
你让我无力反抗 我已无力反抗
You got me paralyzed (I'm paralyzed)
I'm paralyzed
I'm paralyzed
混音师 : Colin ‘DOC’ Brittain
制作 : 13166247:John Feldmann
母带工程师 : Michelle Mancini