Dmac on the f**king track
Tahj Money
“RIP”刷满屏幕 今年我无法再承受更多
高呼帮派铁律 我已为此付诸代价
I'm so sick of "Farewells" and "R.I.P's"
别反对我 生命正在瘟疫中殆尽
In the trenches yellin' "Gang, gang," mob ties, what I bleed
Don't claim to be an opp, 'cause n**gas die from that disease
He gon' let that .9 blow with ease
若我遭遇了那样的事 我的姑娘会潸然泪下
Can I speak my mind, can I breathe?
一帮骗子与盗贼 用弥天大谎蒙蔽正义
I know she might cry if I leave
手腕上钻表冰冷 奈何无法冻结时间
I been fooled by liars and thieves
Iced out my Rollie, but I know time cannot freeze
Once you get my p**sy up, it's over with
Miss who you used to be, 'cause that's who I was closer with
早知暴雨将至 不再杞人忧天
I'm in my bag, now I act like I don't know the b**ch
Before I knew applyin' wars, tryna go on hits
坏事纷至沓来 赶紧挑选安息之地
Well if he act like he 'bout it, then put him on the list
他们暴戾恣睢 如今丑闻散布 以泪洗面
You better pick out a casket, 'cause they're goin' quick
世事无常 呜呼哀哉
They gassed him up, now tears sheddin' when they post his pic
I know 'bout some flukey sh*t, I heard he died on a lick
英年早逝 枉然大好前程
My whole squad's goin', b**ch, we don't do no assist
Potential wasted, couldn't stay in his lane, he ain't know his niche
每一天 用生命小心翼翼在下注
Might catch him at the red light, tryna load his blick
风城清冷萧瑟 你将目睹不堪惨象
Everyday a gamble with your life, all we know is risk
“RIP”刷满屏幕 今年我无法再承受更多
From the windy city where you're down to see the coldest sh*t
高呼帮派铁律 我已为此付诸代价
I'm so sick of "Farewells" and "R.I.P's"
别反对我 生命正在瘟疫中殆尽
In the trenches yellin' "Gang, gang," mob ties, what I bleed
Don't claim to be an opp, 'cause n**gas die from that disease
He gon' let that .9 blow with ease
若我遭遇了那样的事 我的姑娘会潸然泪下
Can I speak my mind, can I breathe?
一帮骗子与盗贼 用弥天大谎蒙蔽正义
I know she might cry if I leave
手腕上钻表冰冷 奈何无法冻结时间
I been fooled by liars and thieves
墙倒众人推 把一切都看透
Iced out my Rollie, but I know time cannot freeze
为了我的儿子 我定然不会一如以往那般莽撞
Switchers on them glizzys, get to blowin' like it's for me
熟记讣告诗的每一句 字字千钧
Promise to my son, that the street won't get no more of me
有人伺机出动 视若无人
Remember every line from that obituary poetry
See they peep on ballin', now just go back to ignorin' me
我态度够谦卑 奈何他们一次次蹂躏我自尊
Always gotta spazz, unleash the beast when they recordin' me
线下见面后 混小子却不敢把那话再说一遍
Lord, I'm tryna take it easy on them, but they forcin' me
See him in person, then that boy won't stand on sh*t he been sayin'
Pop sh*t like Taliban, loadin' up them sticks in the van
You know it's f**k the other side cause my n**gas gone
Always been f**k the other side, we don't get along
瞄准目标 扣动扳机
If we bump heads like Marvin Gaye, let's get it on
她散下长发 俨然已是成熟的女人
Aim for the head, that chopper spray, we get 'em gone
Independent, her hair down, and she feelin' grown
心思狡黠 于我心留下伤痕
Tryna correct her flaw, she filled with silicone
姑娘 我为你准备了一个长长的心碎歌单
And she ain't all innocent, she did a n**ga wrong
“RIP”刷满屏幕 今年我无法再承受更多
I got a playlist for your heart, girl, pick a song, oh
高呼帮派铁律 我已为此付诸代价
I'm so sick of "Farewells" and "R.I.P's"
别声称自己是乐观主义者 生命正在瘟疫中殆尽
In the trenches yellin', "Gang, gang," mob ties, what I bleed
Don't claim to be an opp, 'cause n**gas die from that disease
He gon' let that .9 blow with ease
若我遭遇了那样的事 我的姑娘会潸然泪下
Can I speak my mind, can I breathe?
一帮骗子与盗贼 用弥天大谎蒙蔽正义
I know she might cry if I leave
手腕上钻表冰冷 奈何无法冻结时间
I been fooled by liars and thieves
Iced out my Rollie, but I know time cannot freeze