You found a special place, it's right here in my arms
你找到了一个特别的地方 就在我的臂弯中
Let's go to sleep you say, I can't face the dark
你说我们去睡觉吧 我无法独面黑暗
In dreams you take my hands and lead me through the square
梦中你牵起我的手 引领我走过广场
Then grab me by the throat, cry in despair
然后扼住我的喉咙 在绝望中哭喊
I've lost my way out here, can't see the light
我已在此处迷失 看不见一丝光亮
You shake and wake me up, say it's alright
你将我摇醒 告诉我一切安好
I found a special place, here in your arms
我找到了一个特别的地方 就在你的臂弯里
Let's stay awake I say, we’ll sleep again
我说我们要保持清醒 不久将再次沉睡
There's blood on our hands again,
can't seem to wash them clean
For us we must stay and we're kings for the day
我们必定驻留于此 主宰白昼
You found a special place, it's right here in my arms
你找到了一个特别的地方 就在我的臂弯中
Let's go to sleep you say, I can't face the dark
你说我们去睡觉吧 我无法独面黑暗
In dreams you take my hands and lead me through the square
梦中你牵起我的手 引领我走过广场
Then grab me by the throat, cry in despair
然后扼住我的喉咙 在绝望中哭喊
There's blood on our hands again,
can't seem to wash them clean
For us we must stay and we're kings for the day
我们必定驻留于此 主宰白昼
There's blood on our hands again,
can't seem to wash them clean
For us we must stay and we're kings for the day
我们必定驻留于此 主宰白昼
3.I Only See The Lights
5.Pray To The Light Machine
7.For The Day
8.Old Life