How Gentle God's Commands

1.Father in Heaven
2.Joseph's First Prayer
3.God, The Eternal Father
4.Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King
5.How Great the Wisdom and the Love
6.Nearer My God to Thee
7.Abide with Me 'Tis Eventide
8.O My Father
9.The Release
10.Come, Follow Me
11.A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
12.Day of Rest
13.Praise to the Man
14.He Is Risen
15.Come, Come Ye Saints
16.I Need Thee Every Hour
17.God Be with You Till We Meet Again
18.Fireside Medley: Remember Me/I Believe in Christ/Come Thou Fount
19.Love at Home
20.More Holiness Give Me
21.Behold, The Great Redeemer Died
22.I Know That My Redeemer Lives
23.God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray
24.I Feel My Savior's Love
25.All Creatures of Our God and King
26.Father in Heaven, We Do Believe
27.Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee
28.In Humility, Our Savior
29.How Gentle God's Commands
30.Journey Within
31.The Restoration Medley: Joseph's First Prayer/Praise to the Man/Sweet Hour