I'm tired, do I have to keep proving myself?
I'm weary and drawing from an empty well
I need You more than I ever have
So, Jesus, come and shatter my darkness somehow
那么主啊,无论如何 来粉碎我眼前的黑暗吧
在祢说话前 我静静守候
And I won't speak until You speak
在祢前进前 我绝不动摇
I won't move until You move me
I won't sing, sing over me
我要等待祢 无论多久
I will wait as long as it takes
但我感到无助 因为我真的尽力了
I'm restless for something significant
But I'm helpless 'cause I've done all I can
I want You more than I ever have
在祢说话前 我静静守候
So, Jesus, come and hold me, I'm shaking right now
在祢前进前 我绝不动摇
And I won't speak until You speak
我要等待祢 无论多久
I won't move until You move me
祢善解人意 那么请安慰我吧
I won't sing, sing over me
祢支撑世界 那一定能支持我
I will wait as long as it takes
祢是我的父 唯有祢的爱
You are the comforter so comfort me
You're the sustainer so be enough for me
在祢说话前 我静静守候
You are my Father and Your love for me
在祢前进前 我绝不动摇
Is where I'll find my rest
我要等待祢 无论多久
I won't speak
主啊,我要等待祢 无论多久
And I won't speak until You speak
I won't move until You move me
I won't sing, sing over me
I will wait as long as it takes
Jesus, I will wait as long as it takes
1.Can Anybody Hear Me
2.All Will Fade Away
3.Live Through Me
4.As Long As It Takes
5.In Your Arms
6.Only to Be Yours
7.How Great Is the Love
8.What It Means to Love
9.My Soul Sings
10.Never Move On
11.Come Home