When i was seventeen,
We treated every moment like it was the last
My boyfriend was nineteen,
I am looking at a Picture thinking of the past
我看到一张图片 想到以前的事
Every song was the best song ever, every kiss could last forever
每首歌都是最动听的 每个吻都天长地久
Every Friday night was stunning, every heart went wild drumming
每个周五晚上都是狂欢 每颗心都疯狂跳动
No worries in the world could stop us, we where Always gonna be on top cause
没有忧愁能困扰我们 我们总是兴致昂扬
We could be what we wanted to be
Look at me, living for the day like a dancing queen
看着我 像舞池皇后那样生活吧
Young and free, there's something in the air when you're seventeen
年轻自由 十七岁的空气都与众不同
There's something the air when your'e seventeen
What's on the radio?
Isn't there a song we always to play
It was so long ago
But still I got the feeling it was yesterday
Every break-up super tragic, next night so cool on magic
每次分手痛彻心扉 第二天就活蹦乱跳
We could do what we wanted to do, yeah
Look at me, living for the day like a dancing queen
看着我 像舞池皇后那样生活
Young and free, there's something in the air when you're seventeen
年轻自由 空气是十七岁的味道
Look at me, living for the day like a dancing queen
看着我 像舞池皇后那样生活
Young and free, there's something in the air when you're seventeen
年轻自由 空气是十七岁特有的味道
There's something the air when your'e seventeen
Ha ha ha ha, incredible
哈哈 不可思议吧
Ha ha ha ha, so unforgettable
哈哈 难以忘怀吧
Ha ha ha ha, I'm feeling like ...
哈哈 我感觉仿佛
Ha ha ha ha,It's something in the air
哈哈 空气是这样与众不同
No worries in the world could stop us, we where always gonna be on top cause
世上没有忧愁能击倒我们 我们总是兴致高昂
We could be what we wanted to be
Look at me, living for the day like a dancing queen
看着我 像舞池皇后那样生活
Young and free, there's something in the air when you're seventeen
年轻自由 空气是十七岁特有的味道
Look at me, living for the day like a dancing queen
看着我 像舞池皇后那样生活
Young and free, there's something in the air when you're seventeen
年轻自由 空气是十七岁特有的味道
There's something the air when your'e seventeen