Oh my goodness, oh my dayum
我的老天 我嘞个去
Oh my goodness, they goin' ham
我的妈呀 里面居然夹了火腿!
Oh my goodness, oh my dayum
我的老天 我嘞个去
Oh my goodness, they goin' ham
我的妈呀 里面居然夹了火腿!
This is how bacon is supposed to be
The fries, they blend so perfectly
和炸薯条 简直天生一对
The cheese up in here is goin' ham
又有火腿 奶酪又多
Dayum, dayum, dayum!
我去 简直不要太好吃!
I wish you could smell what I'm smellin
Mm, mm, mm
吧唧嘴 流口水吧你
You bite the fry, the fry bites back, my man
你咬薯条 薯条咬你 大兄弟这个道理明不明白?
Dayum, dayum, dayum!
我去 简直不要太好吃!
Crispety crunch
吃饱又喝足 撑了
Dayum, look at the bacon
我天 好家伙 看这培根
Dayum, get yourself that double cheeseburger
老天爷啊 给你自己买个双层芝士堡吧
Dayum, dayum, dayum!
我去 简直不要太好吃!
Ghetto grocery bag
Dayum, the cheese is oozin
'天啦噜 奶酪好吃得不要不要的
Dayum, let's do this
妈的 就这么定了
Dayum, dayum, dayum!
我去 简直不要太好吃!
Do you wanna know the difference
Between a weak burger
And a burger that has strength?
A burger that has strength
A weak burger, you can chew and still talk
吃一个软汉堡时 你可以一边嚼 一边跟我瞎逼逼
A burger with strength, you chew
吃一个筋道的汉堡呢 你就只能老实巴交嚼它
And the meat just absorbs all the space
And all the air possible all in your throat
To the point that if you wanted to start talkin'
我想说的重点是 如果你想开始逼逼了
Nothin' but mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm
发出来的声音也只有mm-mm, mm-mm
Is comin' out
Skimmalarinky dinky dink
那就是Skimmalarinky dinky dink (无实义)
Skimmalarinky doo
那就是Skimmalarinky doo(瞎逼逼)
I love you, you-you, you
我真是好爱你哟 爱你 爱你哟双层芝士汉堡
(Oh my dayum)
This is how bacon is supposed to be
The fries, they blend so perfectly
和炸薯条 简直天生一对
The cheese up in here is goin' ham
又有火腿 奶酪又多
Dayum, dayum, dayum!
我去 简直不要太好吃!
I wish you could smell what I'm smellin
Mm, mm, mm
吧唧嘴 流口水吧你
You bite the fry, the fry bites back, my man
你咬薯条 薯条咬你 大兄弟这个道理明不明白?
Dayum, dayum, dayum
我的老天 我嘞个去 真是人间极品之双层芝士汉堡
Crispety crunch
吃饱又喝足 撑了
Dayum, look at the bacon
我天 好家伙 看这培根
Dayum, get yourself that double cheeseburger
老天爷啊 给你自己买个双层芝士堡吧
Dayum, dayum, dayum!
我去 简直不要太好吃!
Ghetto grocery bag
Dayum, the cheese is oozin
'天啦噜 奶酪好吃得不要不要的
Dayum, let's do this
妈的 就这么定了
Dayum, dayum, dayum!
我去 简直不要太好吃!
1.Oh My Dayum