编曲:MC Nod
听讲kendrick想借dre上位 the recipe收录于good kid maad city
翻倍或者一无所有 呢个简单既道理 立邦詹姆士会话你知
Fission Music Tom and Kreezy
Canton合益 hoson in the song
我就喺甘有彩数 这你们都知道
You Know What i am Say
Something Uh~ aaaabout me
verse 1 (Tom阿汤)
零七年中意说唱 宜家仲喺度继续走
太多假嘅小人 但我不会就此停手
我按响喇叭 只因我嘅速度太快
扭尽 最大马力 吸晒 车尾废气
E场游戏好似赌神show hand 不要道理
我今日因为一班好友兄弟 为我打气
回望 失落 挫折 失败 都 值得回味
不 放弃不逃避 24hour
持续武装准备 捍卫尊严领哋
啪晒马屁 啱晒口味 就为咗事业可起飞
So Fake Man 靠我实力 hustle
睇到一班自大仔 我不Say Halo
低调做人高调做事 我一步一步
Represent我宗旨 This is Original
I know that life is not easy
and i forever stick to my hobby
I wanna free, nobody can stop we
just wanna say something talk about me
Everybody life is not easy
but i forever respect my homies
I'm here (we are just like this)
time is now say something about me.
Verse 2 (Kreezy)
Side bet all da money on the table u know what I'm sayin'
Heard that Kendrick wanna **** with Dre good kid maad city in the recipe
Double or nothin' one damn thang tell'em ************* King James
Triple double that is simple hands with the gold gold gold rings
I am lucky ************ u already know
hustlin' from Hongkong Bangkok 2 da ************ san Francisco
Adi told me nothin' is impossible
I know that life is not easy
and i forever stick to my hobby
I wanna free, nobody can stop we
just wanna say something talk about me
Everybody life is not easy
but i forever respect my homies
I'm here (we are just like this)
time is now say something about me.
Verse 3 (Hoson浩珄)
我有 我嘅hiphop无需其他奇葩点去评价
整首歌唔通为咗迎合 大众玩大众评价(点评啊)
咁又喺啊 含住金锁匙出世又点明啊?
I Know myself don't need you tell and take me打明码!
唔乜喺啊!诶!Talk about me嘅事,
创作不需要名份只需要灵魂 先有意义!
我用不羁毛笔字 用手写出讽刺
old school嘅街道墙壁涂上黑底字红色
所有痕迹都记录住啊 从细到大都喺度住啊
边度住啊 棠棠棠溪 英雄莫问出处
我见过 世界 塌慌 艺术品都 变嫁妆
毒蛇又要骟亚当 要捍卫先可发光
嘅故事 关于我 统统同我停止!
一把火 烧咗我 做错过 不堪嘅历史!
I know that life is not easy
and i forever stick to my hobby
I wanna free, nobody can stop we
just wanna say something talk about me
Everybody life is not easy
but i forever respect my homies
I'm here (we are just like this)
time is now say something about me.
(Thanks Nod)
1.Something About Me
2.Something About Me (Instrumental)
3.Something About Me (Hook)