yah we come to 惠东 yes we plan it so long 有时会觉得头痛 **** it 揸车成风 enough
乌托邦 刮起台风 in canton 但起势冲 买d烧烤嘢都要买佢几个钟
烧烤汁同honey加多一支六蚊花生油 PORK and chicken chops 搭配黑椒瞬间失觉
yah 加d葱 一旧蒜头 直接中 等佢出味 mix with 茄瓜 收埋你d刀工
we may be **** up but finally we 发 car 手擦擦
villa 加上印度洋嘅 homepar 最鬼洒家
old school嘅电瓶车wit a driver 私人管家
hustle 240 惊动珍宝 炭烧茄瓜
八个买家gather齐聚苏富比 传授金钱至上 凌驾嘅道理
五星黑框价低者得人心嘅肚皮 资本主义buybuybuy吃个翻寻味
落日嘅余晖搭配二筒嘅灵魂 黑椒汁点缀泳池跳动嘅凌晨
深夜嘅食堂S加上AM系主人 七位狂野嘅猿人今日有食神
i remember that i remember that i remember that i cant catch the cat
i remember that i remember that i remember that i cant be the rat