Mhm, mhm, mhm
一直沉于梦想 相信此为真实
I've been dreaming, got me believing it could be true (It could be true)
思绪已经紊乱 仅沉醉于你我
My mind's all messed up, obsessed about me and you
我本可以逃避 我却还在对抗
但我软懦无能 这却就是事实
I can run from it, I keep fighting this
我已沉迷其中 我已陷入其里
But the truth is I'm powerless
近来无心睡觉 已经无心入眠
每晚都在幻想 每晚都在空想
And I’m in so deep
我不禁思考着 我不禁想象着
Lately I don't sleep
若你已经醒来 仍然躺在床上
Happily daydream all night
也在梦想你我 也在想象你我
I can't help but think
也在想入非非 也在浮想联翩
What if you're lying awake right now
也在陷入你我 也在沉迷你我
Dreaming about us as well
听到你的细语 听见你的低吟
你却不在此处 不在我的身旁
Dreaming about us as well
你出现于梦中 名字也被提起
Dreaming about us as well
这又清晰明了 就如水晶一般
我本能够逃避 我却全力以赴
I've been hearing your voice whispering
但这事实却是 我懦弱而无力
But you're not here
我正陷入其中 我正沉迷于此
You're in my dreams, and your name gets mentioned
近来无心睡觉 近来无心入眠
It’s crystal clear
都做着白日梦 高兴而又享受
想象你已醒来 仍然躺在床上
I can run from it, I still try my best
还在想象你我 还在梦想你我
But the truth is I'm powerless
还在浮想联翩 还在想入非非
还在沉溺你我 还在沉迷你我
And I’m in so deep
还在沉沦你我 还在陷溺你我
Lately I don't sleep
Happily daydream all night
I can't help, but think what if you're lying awake right now
Dreaming about us as well
Dreaming about us as well
Dreaming about us as well
Dreaming about us as well