Don't Think About Always

Your inconsistency,
your lack of will
That perfect heart I know,
I cannot fill
Don't think about always
thinking you're always holding my hand
Don't think about always,
don't think at all
I know your life is hard
but so is mine
I'd like to help you but,
ain't got the time
Don't think about always
thinking you're always holding my hand
Don't think about always,
don't think at all
I know that I am bad
and you are good
But won't you stay with me
as if you would
Don't think about always
thinking you're always holding my hand
Don't think about always,
don't think at all
I'm truly sorry that
I made a mess
Been confused you know,
you probably guessed
Don't think about always
thinking you're always holding my hand
Don't think about always,
don't think at all
Your inconsistency,
your lack of will
That prefect heart I know,
I cannot fill
Don't think about always
thinking you're always holding my hand
Don't think about always,
don't think at all
1.Jamie Thomas
2.The Fear
3.Satan I Gatan
4.Fame and Fortune
5.My Idea of Hell
7.Fags and Failure
8.Leave Me Alone
9.Keep Hope Alive
10.Oochy Woochy
11.That's When I Reach for My Revolver
12.Don't Think About Always