Alone (feat. Tru)

Fell for you first day that I met you
Never dreamed that I ever could forget you
But black and white make a mess when it turn to grey
可当我要跟随祢时, 生活却成一团糟
Sunlight came sweeping 'cross the window
Rewind to the time when we were so close
Got me longin' for yesterday
But Lord, you know me so well
可主啊, 祢甚知我心
I can be a little punk sometimes
But don't leave me, leave me alone
但请不要离开, 留我一人
Bust down the door to my heart like it's your home
我打开心门, 邀主住进
Don't need no keys
I'm on my knees begging you please
我双膝跪拜, 恳求于祢
I gotta settle this thing once and for all
You got my heart, my soul
祢拥有我心, 我灵
You can have it all
I'm on my knees begging you please
我双膝跪拜, 恳求于祢
Beggin' you please, Lord
恳求于祢, 主
Don't leave me alone
请不要离开, 留我一人
经历过泪水与痛苦, 新的一天到来
Through the tears, through the pain comes a new day
祢将忧虑带走, 我惊讶祢仍跟随我
Blown away, still amazed you pursue me
Ain't no limit to the way you love (don't stop)
主, 我渴慕祢如同每个心跳(实在如此)
Lord I need You like a heartbeat (concrete)
Rock solid under my feet
祢把我呼唤, 祢将我唤醒
And you're calling me, you're calling me up
Cause you know me so well
And I can be a little punk sometimes
但请不要离开, 留我一人
But don't leave me, leave me alone
我打开心门, 邀主住进
Bust down the door to my heart like it's your home
Don't need no keys
我双膝跪拜, 恳求于祢
I'm on my knees begging you please
I gotta settle this thing once and for all
祢拥有我心, 我灵
You got my heart, my soul
You can have it all
我双膝跪拜, 恳求于祢
I'm on my knees begging you please
恳求于祢, 主
Beggin' you please, Lord
请不要离开, 留我一人
Don't leave me alone
我曾说祢拥我入怀, 我却一路跌跌撞撞
I said you had me in your arms but I fell through the grasp
是啊, 我曾心中有主, 可我走远了祢的道
And yep, I had you in my heart but I guess I relapsed
如今就如同我因错误的缘由而生, 春夏秋冬都是如此
Like I'm livin' for the wrong reasons, through the seasons
尝试归顺于祢, 可他们便将我抨击, 嘲讽
Tryna fall for you but then they put me on blast
It's like I try to speak my mind because I know that I'm His
是的, 我敞开心扉诉说, 但他们这群孩子并不理解
And, yep, I try to speak my mind but it don't fly with them kids
Man if I'm not talking 'bout the newest Nikes or releases
They put the mute on me
I can't speak about my Jesus?
我好像为祂而活, 却又一次次向罪低头
Like I'm living for Him, I'm slipping to sin
我不断向他们转身, 我试着融入他们
I turn around and make the amends, I try to fit in
直到我再次搞砸, 跌倒, 如今我拿起笔
I mess it up and stumble again, I'm takin' this pen
记录着生活的一切, 用来提醒祂的爱是如此甜美
And writin' everything so I remember just how sweet that it is
是啊伙计, 我是有些问题, 我甚至不会说谎
Yeah, man, I got issues, I can't even lie
我深知唯一拯救我的恩典, 我邀祢入我心
My only savin' grace is knowin' I got you inside
我不再去追逐虚荣, 我不需要隐瞒任何事
I'm done with savin' face, I don't got a thing to hide
所以请不要离开, 留我一人
So don't leave me alone
日以继夜, 与我陪伴
Keep comin' day and night
但请不要离开, 留我一人
But don't leave me, leave me alone
我打开心门, 邀主住进
Bust down the door to my heart like it's your home
You don't need no keys
我双膝跪拜, 恳求于祢
I'm on my knees begging you please
I've gotta settle this thing once and for all
祢拥有我心, 我灵
You got my heart, my soul
You can have it all
我双膝跪拜, 恳求于祢
I'm on my knees begging you please
恳求于祢, 主
Beggin' you please, Lord
我双膝跪拜, 恳求于祢
I'm on my knees begging you please
恳求于祢, 主
Begging you please, Lord
请不要离开, 留我一人
Don't leave me alone
1.Steady Me (feat. Aaron Cole)
2.All I Need Is You
3.Hey Mama
4.Alone (feat. Tru)
6.Nothin' on You