I'm feeling down you know I'm feeling low
I'd get so high that's just the way it goes
They don't tell you when you're young
How much it sucks to be numb
I feeling fine you know I'm feeling good
I got your broad imback to my hood
They don't tell you when you're dumb
How fun it is to get numb
Never forget your place try to look up
Cause the answers are in your face.
Never forget to pray
I pray to my dad and my mom
Cause they're both the same
I pray for my homies
I pray for the girls that feel lonely
I pray for you, for me
For everything that's ever gone
I pray
You know at night I pray
You know at night I pray for you
You know I pray for you
You know I pray for you
I'm feeling blue you know I'm in that mood.
All then by 40 I'm the averdue
They don't tell you when you're young
How much it sucks to be numb
I'm feeling big you know I'm feeling strong
I guide your, he knows all my songs
They don't tell you when your dumb
How fun it is to get numb
Never forget your place try to look up
Cause the answers are in your face
Never forget to pray
I pray to my dad and my mom
Cause they're both the same
I pray for my homies
I pray for the girls that feel lonely
I pray for you, for me
For everything that's ever gone
I pray
You know at night I pray
You know at night I pray for you
You know I pray for you
You know I pray for you
Get lost to somebody before the world ends
Grab the first human being you see
Tell them you love them.
Get lost to somebody before this **** ends
Grab the first human being you see
Tell them you love them