Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
吃饭 入睡 醒来 除了你我一无所有
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
吃饭 入睡 醒来 除了你我一无所有
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
吃饭 入睡 醒来 除了你我一无所有
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
吃饭 入睡 醒来 除了你我一无所有
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
吃饭 入睡 醒来 除了你我一无所有
空气十足的冷 把含苞待放的花蕾放在我的耳边 第一个音符在我耳边响起
It's so cold in the air, put the bud in my ear, first note start
我能看见你在何处 而我的梦想你又在何处呢
I can see where you are, dream where you are
Will the song never end?
Us on the bed half a meter apart
气氛尴尬地让我的心脏急速跳动 越来越快
Awkward hearts beating faster and faster, faster and faster
我们会相伴穿过公园 而且会一直坚持走在这条路上
We'll cut through the park, stick to the path
而我如今已不能再走在这条路上 因为我只是梦到了你
I can't stick to the path 'cause I dream about nothing but you
吃饭 睡觉 苏醒 除了你我一无所有
吃饭 睡觉 苏醒 除了你我一无所有
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
吃饭 睡觉 苏醒 除了你我一无所有
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
吃饭 睡觉 苏醒 除了你我一无所有
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
Eat, sleep,nothing but you,nothing but you
I may not say it outwardly
但从来没有火焰 我们只是想有火花出现
So all I have are memories
气氛尴尬地让我的心脏急速跳动 越来越快
Those looks at the start, the words in the dark
我们会相伴穿过公园 而且会一直坚持走在这条路上
But never a flame, we just wanted the spark
而我如今已不能再走在这条路上 因为我只是梦到了你
Awkward hearts beating faster and faster, faster and faster
吃饭 睡觉 苏醒 除了你我一无所有
We'll cut through the park, stick to the path
吃饭 睡觉 苏醒 除了你我一无所有
I can't stick to the path 'cause I dream about nothing but you
吃饭 睡觉 苏醒 除了你我一无所有
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
吃饭 睡觉 苏醒 除了你我一无所有
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
吃饭 睡觉 我一直在重复这生活 而我除了你已一无所有
除了你 其他的我都没有
Nothing but you
Nothing but you
Eat, sleep, wake, nothing but you
Eat, sleep,nothing but you,nothing but you
Nothing but you
1.Eat, Sleep, Wake (Nothing But You)