I was driving doing nothing on the shores of Great Salt Lake
When they put it on the air i put it in the hammer lane
听空气声撞上车窗 再流过街巷
I soon forgot myself and i forgot about the brake
我沉浸在风驰电掣之中 忘记了挂挡刹车
I forgot about all laws and i forgot about the rain
我忘记了法条约束 和这场倾盆大雨
They were talking on the 9 and all across the amy band
我横穿无人地带 听见他们在讨论我
Across the road they were turning around and headed south with me
在公路尽头调头转弯 并一路向南
It got so crowded on the road i started driving in the sand
马路逐渐水泄不通 我便驶向沙漠
My head was feeling scared but my heart was feeling free
头脑虽然惶惶不安 可心却无比自由自在
The desert turned to mud it seems that everybody heard
我的轮胎陷入淤泥 大声的呼喊求救
Everybody was remembering to forget they had the chills
Then i heard the voices on a broadcast from up on the bird
They were getting interviewed by some Goodman whose name was Bill
I'm almost there to Vegas where they're puttin' on a show
They've come so far i've lived this long at least i must just go and say hello
来者是客 我总该尽好地主之谊
1.The Thing
3.Make Believe
4.I've Been Waiting For You