Six Layer Cake

I'm up and
You're up with me this time
You're up and
I'm still in the shine
Pullover, you're getting dressed
All touching . . . all the right
65543221. 654322 layer
65443221. 654321 layer cake
I've called you with my head
My fingers, your lips to my hand
Front Royale, big kitchen day
My fingers . . . all over
655632 layer
Sixteen fingers 8 feet high
10 7854321. 654422 layer cake.
One layer, on Halloween
No hands where they ought to be
In pockets, keeping this in
In pants and
I'm so so . . .
10 6 10 676 layer
10 676 10 6 high
10 6544321. 10 9876543 cake.
Fingertips show the way
Relax on, USMA
Pullover, you're getting dressed
All touching . . . all the right
666666 layer cake!
With my
I'll give you a slice of mine.
1.Cath Carroll
2.West Coast Love Affair
3.Soon It's Going to Rain
4.Light Command
5.Six Layer Cake
6.Breather X.O.X.O.
7.Make Out Club
8.Angel, I'll Walk You Home
9.So Sick
10.Food and Drink Synthesizer
11.Stylized Ampersand