Try to be best 全力拼搏
‘Cause you’re only a man 因为你是真正的男子汉
And a man’s gotta learn to take it 而男子汉就该学会坚忍奋斗
Try to believe 坚持信念
Though the going gets rough 哪怕越来越艰难
That you gotta hang tough to make it 你要坚持才能成功
History repeats itself 历史不断重复它自身
Try and you’ll succeed 坚持下去你终会成功
Never doubt that you’re the one 永远不要怀疑,你就是生来不凡
And you can have your dreams! 最终你会实现你的梦想!
You’re the best! 你就是最强的!
Around! 出类拔萃!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何困难都永远打不倒你!
You’re the Best! 你就是最棒的!
Around! 不同凡响!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何险阻都永远难不住你!
You’re the Best! 你就是最好的!
Around! 卓尔不群!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何挫折都永远击不垮你!
Fight ‘til the end 奋战到底
Cause your life will depend 因为你的生命将取决于
On the strength that you have inside you 相信你内心的力量
Ah you gotta be proud 你应该感到自豪
starin’ out in the cloud 在云端上闪耀
When the odds in the game defy you 当生活中一切都与你作对时
Try your best to win them all 尽你的全力去战胜它们
and one day time will tell 总有一天,时间会证明一切
when you’re the one that’s standing there 当你最终屹立在那里时
you’ll reach the final bell! 你会到达终点的!
You’re the best! 你就是最强的!
Around! 出类拔萃!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何困难都永远打不倒你!
You’re the Best! 你就是最棒的!
Around! 不同凡响!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何险阻都永远难不住你!
You’re the Best! 你就是最好的!
Around! 卓尔不群!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何挫折都永远击不垮你!
You're the best! 你就是最强的!
Around! 出类拔萃!
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down 任何困难都永远打不倒你!
You're the Best! 你就是最棒的!
Around! 不同凡响!
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down 任何险阻都永远难不住你!
You're the Best! 你就是最好的!
Around! 卓尔不群!
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down 任何挫折都永远击不垮你!
Fight 'til you drop 奋战直到你倒下
never stop 永不止步!
can't give up 决不放弃!
Til you reach the top (FIGHT!) 直到你登临顶峰 (战斗!)
you're the best in town (FIGHT!) 你就是人中龙凤!(战斗!)
Listen to that sound 听听那欢呼声!
A little bit of all you got 你经历的那些雨雪风浪
Can never bring you down 点点滴滴都再不会让你倒下!
You're the best! 你就是最强的!
Around! 出类拔萃!
Nothing's gonna ever keep you down 任何困难都永远打不倒你!
You're the Best! 你就是最棒的!
Around! 不同凡响!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何险阻都永远难不住你!
You’re the Best! 你就是最好的!
Around! 卓尔不群!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何挫折都永远击不垮你!
You’re the Best! 你就是最强的!
Around! 出类拔萃!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何困难都永远打不倒你!
You’re the best! 你就是最棒的!
Around! 不同凡响!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何险阻都永远难不住你!
You’re the Best! 你就是最好的!
Around! 卓尔不群!
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down 任何挫折都永远击不垮你!
1.You're The Best
2.Young Hearts
3.Feel The Night
4.No Shelter