The Drive to London (From "Cruella"/Score)

1.Cruella - Disney Castle Logo (From "Cruella"/Score)
2.The Baroque Ball (From "Cruella"/Score)
3.The Most Dreadful Accident (From "Cruella"/Score)
4.The Drive to London (From "Cruella"/Score)
5.Red Hair Dye (From "Cruella"/Score)
6.The Baroness Needs Looks (From "Cruella"/Score)
7.I Think You're Something (From "Cruella"/Score)
8.Everything's Going So Well (From "Cruella"/Score)
9.The Necklace (From "Cruella"/Score)
10.The Angle (From "Cruella"/Score)
11.Surveillance (From "Cruella"/Score)
12.I Like to Make an Impact (From "Cruella"/Score)
13.Oh, That's a Hybrid (From "Cruella"/Score)
14.Putting the Dresses in the Safe (From "Cruella"/Score)
15.Revenge / Let's Begin (From "Cruella"/Score)
16.Get It Open / Moths (From "Cruella"/Score)
17.The True Story of Cruella's Birth (From "Cruella"/Score)
18.Oh, That's Why You're Peeved (From "Cruella"/Score)
19.I'm Cruella (From "Cruella"/Score)
20.A Great Tribute / She's Here (From "Cruella"/Score)
21.The Cliff (From "Cruella"/Score)
22.She Jumped! (From "Cruella"/Score)
23.Orchestral Waltz (From "Cruella"/Score/Bonus Track)
24.Goodbye, Estella (From "Cruella"/Score)
25.Call me Cruella (From "Cruella"/Soundtrack Version)
26.Call me Cruella (From "Cruella"/Instrumental Version)