Get up, Get up, Get up,
给我振作 振作 振作
I'm a show you everything I've got inside
I Won't Give up, Give up,
我永不放弃 放弃
Never backing down this is my fight
永不退缩 这是我的战斗
How do you live when every finger's pointing in your face
当所有指尖指着你的脸 你怎么可能若无其事地活下去?
How do you give your heart to something only you embrace
How do you put your mind to something that you love
When you were growing up everybody told you that you weren't good enough
在你成长的路上 所有人都说你不够优秀
Good enough would work for me
Instead of love you hurt me deep
Broke my trust and watched me bleed
粉碎我对你的信任 你笑看我血流不止
Ignored my pleas and squashed my dreams
无视我的喜好 踩扁我的梦想
Everything hiding underneath is coming out for you to see
在阴暗处隐藏压抑的一切 将势不可挡地涌现给你看
The screams kept hidden down beneath
A broken are spirit finally free
那支离破碎的灵魂终于挣脱 重获自由
Get up, Get up, Get up,
给我振作 振作 振作
I'm a show you everything I've got inside
I Won't Give up, Give up,
我永不放弃 放弃
Never backing down this is my fight
永不退缩 这是我的战斗
Everything we do in life has got to be for something
我们这一生做的每件事情 都有着某种意义
I won't go down without a fight no I won't die for nothing
在没有挣扎反抗之前 我是不会退缩的 不 我不会平白无故地死去
You held me under too long I see a coming end
你将我层层庇护太久了 是时候了结了
Take back your hand,
you're not my friend,
to me your ******* dead.
对我而言 你特么已经死了
All the things you did and do showed me the colors inside you,
你做过和将做的一切龌龊勾当 清晰地向我显现出 你内在的人格色彩
I now know all your hidden truths,
如今 我已经知道了你隐瞒的全部真相
if I were you **** I'd lie to
如果我是你这个烂人 我宁愿继续撒谎
It's my turn now, I'll burn you down,
现在轮到我了 我将把你焚烧殆尽
nowhere to run and hide for you
你已经无处可逃 无处可藏了
It's tried and true,
and I'll get through I'll watch your spirit die in you.
我将终结一切 我将看着你的魂魄烂死在你的身体里
Get up, Get up, Get up,
给我振作 振作 振作
I'm a show you everything I've got inside
I Won't Give up, Give up,
我永不放弃 放弃
Never backing down this is my fight
永不退缩 这是我的战斗
Every word you said, had you thinking in your head,
你说过的每个字 都经过大脑思考了吗?
you'd leave me here for dead,
你把我弃于此地 任我丧命
But I'm Alive
Get up, Get up, Get up,
给我振作 振作 振作
I'm a show you everything I've got inside
You brought me down,
in ways I can't imagine
我受打击之深 难以想象
you made me believe, IT'S TRUE
你让我坚信 、这是真实的
(It's what I've got inside, this is my fight)
(这就是我内在的一切 这是我的战斗)
I hate the way you drag me down
I'm not afraid cuz this ends now
我无所畏惧 因为现在该了结了
I hate the way you drag me down
this ends now
Get up, Get up, Get up,
给我振作 振作 振作
I'm a show you everything I've got inside
I Won't Give up, Give up,
我永不放弃 放弃
Never backing down this is my fight
永不退缩 这是我的战斗
Every word you said, had you thinking in your head,
你说过的每个字 都经过大脑思考了吗?
you'd leave me here for dead,
你把我弃于此地 任我丧命
But I'm Alive
Get up, Get up, Get up,
给我振作 振作 振作
I'm a show you everything I've got inside
I hate the way you drag me down
I'm not afraid cuz this ends now
我无所畏惧 因为现在都结束了
1.Stay This Way
2.I Will Show You
3.My Fight
4.Destruction Of Myself
5.Live Again