My friends call me up 'cause they know I'm down
我的朋友打电话给我 因为知道我失恋了
take me out to paint the town and help me get over it
他们带我出去 在镇上兜风 想帮我走出阴影
pretty blonde girl at the end of the bar
在酒吧的尽头 站着不错的金发女孩
buys a drink, gives a wink, and then it goes too far
点一杯酒 暗送秋波 然后就这么发展下去
we're out on the dance floor feelin' the gin
我们走出舞池 尝了杜松子酒
I finally start coming alive again
I take her home for the night and everything is right until the first ray of sunlight
我带她回家过夜 一切看起来都很正常
And damn if I don't wake up lovin' you
Oh I wake up lovin' you
该死 要是我醒来 能不再爱你 就好了
Thought if I could catch a plane, touch down, out of town
哦 我清醒的知道 我还是那么爱你
somewhere nobody knows you
我想如果 我坐上飞机 出了镇 着陆在
maybe I could give myself half of a chance
to get alive and act a like a different man
也许那时 我能够给自己个机会
but my best of intentions were all shot to hell
摆脱过去 过上另一种人生
and I found myself hiding in a cheap hotel
但是 我的异想天开 很快就化为乌有
drownin' in the whiskey, starin' at the T.V., tryin' not to sleep
我发现自己 躲在一家廉价的旅馆里
'Cause I'm just gonna wake up lovin' you
沉溺于威士忌酒 盯着电视
Yeah I wake up lovin' you, yeah
Yeah I wake up lovin' you,
因为一觉醒来 我还是会发现自己爱着你
Yeah I wake up lovin' you
梦醒时分 一切明了
Remember when I told you I was never going to stop
是啊 醒来时 依然爱着你
lovin' you with all my heart and soul no matter what
没法逃避 无法躲藏
now it seams I'm breaking every promise that I made
记得当我告诉你 我永远不会停止
'Cause every night I'm desperate
对你的爱 全心全意 生生世世
askin' God if He would just let me forget it
现在看来 我似乎在打破我曾许下的每个诺言
but I wake up lovin' you
每个晚上 我处在崩溃的边缘
I wake up lovin' you
我绝望地祈求上帝 希望能够让我忘了你
I wake up lovin' you, yeah
但是 每当我想醒来 我却还是爱着你
I wake up lovin' you, yeah
无法抗拒 无法停止
I wake up lovin' you, oh
醒来时 还是爱着你
I wake up lovin' you
醒来时 依然爱着你
I wake up lovin' you
醒来时 和昨天一样爱着你
I wake up lovin' you
醒来时 无法忘掉你
醒来时 才发现所有的努力都失败了
1.That's What I Love About Sunday
2.Party Girl
3.Wake Up Lovin' You
4.If Not Me
5.This Ole Boy
6.Redneck Yacht Club
7.We'll Come Back Around
9.More Trucks Than Cars
10.Little Bit Of Life
11.Almost Home
12.International Harvester