Touch of Grey

Must be getting early
Clocks are running late
时钟也慢慢走着 滴答滴答
Paint by number morning sky looks so phony
正是拂晓 天空渐染 如此虚幻
Dawn is breaking everywhere
Light a candle, curse the glare
点一星烛火 又怪这光太过灼眼
Draw the curtains I don't care cause it's alright
拉上窗帘吧 我不在意 没关系的
I will get by
我终将 度过黑夜寂冷
I will get by
我终将 穿过迷雾锁城
I will get by
我终将 闯过荆棘丛生
I will survive
我终将 适者 生存
I see you've got your lists out, say your piece and get out
你列出我条条罪状 说完就走
Yes I get the gist of it but it's alright
是的 我明白了 但这都没关系
Sorry that you feel that way
真抱歉 没能让你满意
The only thing there is to say
Every silver lining's got a touch of grey
每一线希望 都在无望的边缘闪现
I will get by
我终将 翻过山岭绵延
I will get by
我终将 渡过远洋连连
I will get by
我终将 跨过岁岁年年
I will survive
我终将 适者 生存
It's a lesson to me
于我而言 这是新学到的一课
The Deltas and the East and the Freeze
三角洲 东方 冰封
The ABC's we all think of
Try to give a little a little love
多一点爱 多一点爱
I will get by
我终将 挺过秋风凛凛
I will get by
我终将 撑过冬霜洌冽
I will get by
我终将 挨过骤雨急急
I will survive
我终将 适者 生存
We will get by
我们会 越过黄沙重重
We will get by
我们会 走过长路漫漫
We will get by
我们终将 安然
We will get by
我们终将 安好
We will get by...
我们终将 安心
1.Touch of Grey