Masma glasses, hold on
Sadio marde nekoonam namirad hargez morde anast ke namash be nekoyee nabarand
He says
Sadi the man whose got good name and has been helpful
he never dies
The person who is called 'dead'
is the person who they don't mention him
in a good deed or good behavior"
Another one he said:
Madar! Gonahe zendegiam ra be man bebakhsh
Zira agar gonahe man in bud? az to bud
He said
"Mother forgive me for sins of my life
Because is sins which I've done
is mainly result of your work in the past"
Hargez nakhastam ke to ra sarzanesh konam.
Amma to ra be rasti az zadan che sud?
I never wanted to blame you
for anything.
But really
what was the benefit of producing me to the world?
And to the life?
Then he says
Zendegi chun kelafe pich pich ast
avvalash hich o akharash hich ast
Is the
life is like a tangled ball of wool
which the beginning it starts from nothing
and ends to nothing
1.Anjunadeep 08 (Continuous Mix)
2.Hunger of the Pine (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix)
4.Your Love Is an Echo
5.Another Land (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Edit)
6.Give It Up
7.Edge of Affection
8.Flightless (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix)
9.Cantec De Leagane
10.Love Is Not Enough [Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix]
11.Nobody Seems to Care (Anjunadeep 08 Mix)
12.Future Eyes
13.Perspective (Fort Romeau Remix)
14.Fire Walk
15.Won’t Always Be
16.Drop (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Edit)
17.Apes & Children
18.Spruce [Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Edit]
19.Cascades (Outro Edit)
20.Slow Mo
22.Fictionalise (Anjunadeep 08 Mix)
24.Öldurót (Tontario Remix)
25.Shut Out of Paradise (Hanami Remix - Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Edit)
27.Antrakt (Interlude Edit)
29.Like It Is
30.Blue Danube (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Edit)
31.Last Words
33.Broken Light (J_Ashworth Diffraction Remix)
34.Soon You’ll Be Gone
35.Luv Deluxe (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix)
37.Yntoo (Tom Middleton Mix)
38.Home [Lane 8 Remix]
39.Anjunadeep 08 (Continuous Mix)