I backed my car into a cop car the other day
几天之前 倒车撞上了警车
Well, he just drove off, sometimes life's okay
幸而没被追责 生活有时待我不薄
I ran my mouth off a bit too much, oh, what did I say?
口无遮拦后知后觉 瞧 我又说错什么话
Well, you just laughed it off and it was all okay
你一笑置之 过眼云烟罢了
And we'll all float on, okay
我们都似漂萍无依 人生常态
And we'll all float on, okay
生活终将拨云见日 拭目以待
And we'll all float on, okay
我们都似漂萍无依 人生常态
And we'll all float on anyway, well
答案自会水落石出 拭目以待
A fake Jamaican took every last dime with that scam
It was worth it just to learn some sleight of hand
花钱买个教训 也算值当
Bad news comes, don't you worry even when it lands
时常行至低谷 无需忧心厄运降临
Good news will work its way to all them plans
We both got fired on exactly the same day
Well, we'll float on, good news is on the way
轻装上阵 或有柳暗花明
We'll float on, good news is on the way
轻装上阵 必得柳暗花明
And we'll all float on, okay
我们都似漂萍无依 人生常态
And we'll all float on, okay
生活终将拨云见日 拭目以待
And we'll all float on, okay
我们都似漂萍无依 人生常态
And we'll all float on, alright
答案自会水落石出 拭目以待
Already, we'll all float on, no don't
You worry, we'll all float on, alright
你在顾虑什么 随波逐流 同样怡然
Already, we'll all float on, alright
Don't worry, we'll all float on
无须忧心 一切自有安排
Already we'll all float on, alright
Already we'll all float on, alright
Don't worry, even if things end up
山穷水尽 亦无需忧心
A bit too heavy, we'll all float on, alright
生活压抑之际 不妨轻装上阵
Already we'll all float on, alright
Already we'll all float on, okay
Don't worry, we'll all float on
无需忧心 浮生苦短
Even if things get heavy, we'll all float on
生活压抑之际 轻装上阵便好
1.Float On