Thank You for Everything...

You made me meet the sound of running water the feel of void it's been halting me since Tuesday
周二之后 你便让我的灵魂如同被不断涌来冰澈透骨的流水包围着 吞噬着
And I don't blame you
我不怪你 埋怨你
But who I suppose to blame for the way is I see everyone acting with pain and acting in one way
我想 每个饱受折磨的人都能够心领神会这痛苦
I'm sorry it's so familiar
如此熟悉 确又铭心刻骨
But what it came out if you are mouth I thought if you was the newest way to bring pain back to myself since I was cut off
但我想 从灵魂离窍的那刻起 这一切所作所为不过是庸人自扰
And I can't explain it why some conciously try to go back to this because it's ever stops hurting
我无法解释为何总是刻意尝试回到以前 可能它曾经止住过我的痛楚
And my brain is filled of I love you Tiry I speak in a manic shower and hopes me escape
脑海中充斥着要爱你 我站在喷洒中狂吼着 希望借机帮助自己逃离
I love you I know it shouldn't be insane but I don't know how to take a break
我爱你 我知道不应是这种疯狂的方式 可我又是如此手足无措
I love you being happy cutting off negativity is the only way
唯一摆脱悲观的方式 就是接受你并好好爱你
And I'm sorry
I can't be here because I can't ask you to change
我无法站在这里 因为我深知无能为力去要求你改变
But I changed the way I thought of life
但我可以改变对生活的看法 不是吗
loneliness left when your eyes met mine
当我们目光对视 孤独便悄然而逝
And I constantly try to stop making you hurt
I knew I died
But I stop toping I'll be a lonely night so I can pretend I could drive
但我停止每日用喝酒麻痹自己 想象有天在寂冷的夜晚仍可以开车
I looked in the mirror three days before you left
You maybe feel comfortable for myself because you disguise horrible lyrics I can give it
你可能为我感到舒适心安 只因你刻意掩埋了我狼狈不堪
And you happen to like
how are these nights going to be any easier with a memory instead of an outstretched hand
这些深夜里 该怎样习惯 从此伴我入眠的是回忆而非拥抱着自己的手臂
I know it ain't really last but I hope having me was worth it to you in the end
我知道这不是真正的结局 我只希望你觉得我值得你陪到底
Anoter lines it's another hours was harder to breathe just keep breathing
在其他时间里我难以呼吸 但仍尽力维持着呼吸的频率
I should be here in the morning should knock on your door
But where will you be
但 你身在何处呢
I hope I can answer
I can't consider in patient
when the patient of me is using other sick people's medication
Come back please come back
求求你回来吧 快回来吧
So I can feel it my myself and it's how awful feels it's real if you gotta be through the bank interest just to get me out
我能感知到自己愈来愈强烈的绝望 这是多么可怕却又真实的感觉
And I can't forget my only real probably may came for you are sick this whole time
我无法忘记在生病的日子 这真实的 只有我自己能感知的锥心之痛
Because if I let it they will know you were mine maybe they will know why I feel so died inside
如果我让他们看到我的这一面 他们将会知道我的灵魂深处的花早已凋谢
But maybe they wouldn't maybe they don't know what I needed
但也许他们不会 他们不知道我渴求什么
Maybe this whole thing pointless maybe I can't even help you remember me born in New Sicilia
也许所有的一切都毫无意义 也许我无法帮你铭记我出生在西西里
But I try
I tried...
1.Thank You for Everything...