许多人背叛过我 也有许多想玩弄我于股掌
I been betrayed before, I done been played before
我只向他们倾泻子弹 萦绕在木仓口未散的硝烟 权当复仇的怒火
Givin' 'em all the smoke, givin' 'em all
我曾被留在风暴之中 无处躲避
I done been left in the rain, I ain't have nowhere to go
性格的缺失 无法让我真正爱上一个女子
I feel less of a man, I can't depend on a hoe
我的兄弟倒在地上 周围的枪火如雨一样向我袭来
They put my brother inside the ground, I found me a sound
身经百战 丝毫不惧 掌控一切
Don't care if it's war, we ****in' on bitches, I'm holdin' 'em down
如果她足够诚实拼搏 我会和她梅开二度
If she a hustler fine and honest, I'm bringin' her 'round
她在街上的勾当 我权当看不见
I told her I don't care what she do in the street
但记住 别在我身后做把戏 别当我是蠢蛋
Just don't make me look like a clown
掌控这片街区 腰缠万贯 大笔钞票 存入移动账户
仇家在烧烤 被我抓个正着 扫射 片甲不留
Big dawg status, my play money, whole M stacks in the PayPal
我来自亚特兰大东部 你知道六区尼格的手段 一句不敬的话 会给你招致鲨身之祸
Caught a opp' hangin' at a barbecue and ****ed around and shot the whole playground
AR全自动火器996 警察还想插一脚 没门儿
East side nigga 'bout gunplay, say the wrong thing, we'll chase y'all
加长弹夹 巡演带着MAC10防身
Hit 'em broad-day with a AR, 12 still tryna get the case off
查着大笔钞票 再将其扬起 确保我的粉丝能听到尖儿货
One twenty-five with the backend, still on tour with a MAC-10
别觉得我只是在说唱 我的歌词都来源于生活 没半点虚假
Count a couple Ms, I'm clappin', make sure the fans get a fraction
取下他的项上首级 左右躲闪 十步鲨一人
Don't think I'm just rappin' and all these lyrics cappin'
高纯度钻石挂在我的耳垂 明星荧荧 水钻烁也
Talkin' out his neck, we right hook, left hook, stomped and slapped him
理查德米勒光彩夺目 手腕上挂一辆豪车
VVs in my ear, I look like a star
女子似有些许不情愿 那就再见 无法在高攀我们
Plain Jane Richard, I coulda bought a car
你的枪手出击之前已经写好了无罪声明 有两下子
If she ain't givin' top, we gon' let her starve
AK招呼他 身中数弹 不治身亡
Your shooter wrote a statement, so now we call him Searge'
我的团队如雷霆 前往洛杉矶 保罗乔治【保罗乔治 NBA球星 曾效力于雷霆队 后转会至洛杉矶快船队】
Hit him with the AK, make him burn carbs
拿几块小黄鱼 驾驶福特 飞驰而去
I brought my Thunder to Los Angeles, Paul George
女子有了身孕 麻烦了
Make a brick, do the woah with a Ford
我是行业标杆 月球漫步
Got a thot pregnant, woah, hit abort
21 你可以永远相信的男人 艰苦奋斗 不忘初心
Niggas know I'm geeked, high on the moon
臭弟弟 你根本不行
21, made man by the pole
这么多火器 你想抢谁? 你敢抢谁?【Glock 格洛克 ruger鲁格 keltec皆为手木仓型号】
Pussy boy, you're lukewarm, not cool
Glock, Ruger, KelTec, rob who?
Your baby momma went to Cali'
She touchin' the city, we gettin' 'em gone
We really tryna catch a body
卸下心防 向她展示我的心脏
You just tryna catch a body in a song
难以置信吧 它由钢铁制成
I let down my guard, I showed her my heart
一条裤子 就价值几万
She couldn't believe it was chrome
你能想象吗 一般的说唱歌手可做不到
Them pants thirty-five hunnid
许多人背叛过我 也有许多想玩弄我于股掌
Mediocre rappers can't put 'em on
我只向他们倾泻子弹 萦绕在木仓口未散的硝烟 权当复仇的怒火
我曾被留在风暴之中 无处躲避
I been betrayed before, I done been played before
正是这些 锻造出无情的21 性格的缺失 无法让我真正爱上一个女子
Givin' 'em all the smoke, givin' 'em all
我的兄弟倒在地上 周围的枪火如雨一样向我袭来
I done been left in the rain, I ain't have nowhere to go
身经百战 丝毫不惧 掌控一切
I feel less of a man, I can't depend on a hoe
如果她足够诚实拼搏 我会和她梅开二度
They put my brother inside the ground, I found me a sound
她在街上的勾当 我权当看不见
Don't care if it's war, we ****in' on bitches, I'm holdin' 'em down
但记住 21 只是看起来是个老实人 其实是来自英国的皇家特工 你骗不了的
If she a hustler fine and honest, I'm bringin' her 'round
I told her I don't care what she do in the street
Just don't make me look like a clown
8.CAN THEY HEAR US (From 'Gully' with original Daniel Heath Score)