Konga Conga Kappa (King Conga)

1.Konga Conga Kappa (King Conga)
2.Disco Descent (1-1)
3.Deep Sea Bass (Coral Riff)
4.Mausoleum Mash (1-3)
5.Rhythmortis (Lobby)
6.Disco Descent (1-1 with Shopkeeper)
7.Dance of the Decorous (3-2 Cold)
8.Tombtorial (Tutorial)
9.Metalmancy (Death Metal feat. FamilyJules7x)
10.Knight to C-Sharp (Deep Blues)
11.For Whom the Knell Tolls (Dead Ringer)
12.Momentum Mori (Necrodancer Fight 1st Phase)
13.Last Dance (Necrodancer Fight 2nd Phase)
14.Absolutetion (Golden Lute Fight feat. FamilyJules7x)
15.Crypteque (1-2)
16.Watch Your Step (Training)
17.Mausoleum Mash (1-3 with Shopkeeper)
18.Fungal Funk (2-1)
19.Stone Cold (3-1 Cold)
20.Grave Throbbing (2-2 with Shopkeeper)
21.Crypteque (1-2 with Shopkeeper)
22.Igneous Rock (3-1 Hot feat. FamilyJules7x)
23.Grave Throbbing (2-2)
24.Portabellohead (2-3)
25.The Wight to Remain (4-3)
26.A Hot Mess (3-3 Hot feat. FamilyJules7x)
27.A Cold Sweat (3-3 Cold)
28.Stone Cold (3-1 Cold with Shopkeeper)
29.Fungal Funk (2-1 with Shopkeeper)
30.March of the Profane (3-2 Hot feat. FamilyJules7x)
31.Styx and Stones (4-1)
32.Heart of the Crypt (4-2)
33.Rhythmortis (Lobby Filtered)
34.Dance of the Decorous (3-2 Cold with Shopkeeper)
35.Heart of the Crypt (4-2 with Shopkeeper)
36.Styx and Stones (4-1 with Shopkeeper)
37.Portabellohead (2-3 with Shopkeeper)
38.March of the Profane (3-2 Hot feat. Shopkeeper, FamilyJules7x)
39.A Cold Sweat (3-3 Cold with Shopkeeper)
40.Igneous Rock (3-1 Hot feat. Shopkeeper, FamilyJules7x)
41.The Wight to Remain (4-3 with Shopkeeper)
42.A Hot Mess (3-3 Hot feat. Shopkeeper, FamilyJules7x)